Story Alert!!!!!

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Check out this new story from a very talented writer.

If you love prehistoric magic stories with a lot of Action then this book is for you.

Follow the link at the end of the chapter and read this wonderful book.

The title is Phil

Thunder crashed from the sky bringing down the mood in a small remote village at the outskirts of a kingdom.

The tension in the village was high and could be cut with a sword, most parents hushed up and rushed their little ones into the cottages shutting their door without a second thought, while others peeped from their windows wondering if it was the right by shutting their doors to the stranger approaching the village even though there are few outsiders who took refuge in the village.

As the stranger approached, the sound of hoofs became louder, and his appearance became clearer to the two guards at the gate of the village.

The stranger's upper body was that of a man while his waist below was that of a horse, he had a bow in his hand and a quiver filled with arrows srtaped to his back. He was dressed in a leather armour, most part of his head and face was covered by his helmet leaving out only his eyes, nose, and mouth, on his finger was a red ring covered in a unique design of magic rune.

The closer he got to the village the more intense and thick the air became, as he approached the village one of the guard at the threshold came forward with his sword drawn and held mid air “Halt”! he barked.

The stranger grimaced and stared at both men, that they thought they would die just by his hard glare.

His lips tilted up in a smirk and he said “standing in the way of a huntsman is punishable by death"

Within a split second an arrow was already drawn and fired at the first guard piercing straight through his right eye and out through the back of his head.

Before the other guard could discern the situation he was already down with an arrow through his head.

“Pity” the huntsman spat and then rode past them and into the village, beginning a massacre on the villagers.


A loud roar could be heard in the woods as a large flying creature blasted a man from where he stood and right into a tree, he was dressed in a black leather armour, and his trousers were black and so was his long hair which was currently ruffled up, he was wearing black protective gloves on his hands.

He groaned out “Bullocks”

He stood up and slowly pulled out a long sword that was strapped to his back, he looked at the flying creature charging towards him, as he charged back at the creature taking two large steps and leaping off the ground and into the air swaying his sword above his head.

Before his slash could get to the creature's hide he was swatted back into the woods, his landing created a small crater.

He slowly stood up as the creature dived towards his direction, seeing the creature would be upon him in seconds he jumped high enough to mount the creature's back.

After successfully mounting the creature's back, he took a large swing with his sword cutting off a huge part of the creature's left wing, making the creature roar in pain

This only led to the creature making different sways in the sky trying to get the assailant off it's back, which was unsuccessful.

“You won't get rid off me that easily”

After the young man got balanced he took two more swings with his sword this time completely cutting off the creature's wing.

“That... ... ...” He breaths out heavily “Was for swating me ”

The creature roared painfully as blood gushed out of his wound, the creature lost balance and slowly falls back into the woods.

The man grabs hold of the second wing as the creature plummels into the woods.

They crashed heavily with a loud Boom!!
Shaking the whole woods in the process, causing a very strong tremor.


The sound of screams came to an abrupt stop as the whole village went silent, Blood flowed as bodies lay dead, everyone had an arrow either sticking out through their head or eye, nobody was spared, children included, the only sound that could be heard was the sound of hoofs as the huntsman slowly walked out of the village, his bow in his hand and his quiver half empty.

His hoof were stained in blood. He stopped right at the outskirts of the village as he took out a white orb from his ring.

After chanting some spell the orb glowed and an image appeared from the orb, the image was faint and unclear as soon as the image stabilized the huntsman bowed “Arise, Did you find what I asked you”? the image said in a hoarse voice.

“No, the location was incorrect, I will have to go search the neighboring town” the huntsman replied in a respectful tone, while raising his head

The image groaned in annoyance “Be fast, the longer we wait the more others will get wind of this, we can't let the others know” he spat in frustration “I hope I can trust you”?

“Yes your most high” he replied giving a curt nod

The image slowly nodded it's head “Good, go to the next town, find all the information you can, and if anyone or anything stands in your way end them”

“And do not disturb me until it is found” he quickly added

Without waiting for a reply the image slowly faded away and the orb also dimed away.

The huntsman stored the orb back into the enchanted ring and slowly galloped his way into the wild.

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