Chapter 6

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He said he was out for revenge on me, or rather on Cara but he thinks I'm her, what did she do to him?

"What did I do to you"? I voice out in a whisper, I don't know how or where I got the courage to be questioning him but I hope I don't regret it.

"Enough questions already, you're not a guest here" he snaps out

"At least I'm locked up here, the least you can do is tell me why, what did I do to you"? I ask louder than I intended and I quickly regret it as he snaps his eyes in a hard glare towards me

"You don't seem to understand what is going on here, you're not here because I need you for anything, you're here because I want to show you what real torture and suffering is like" he mutters dangerously low.

"By the time I'm done with you, you'd wish you never crossed my path" he said his breath fanning my face

"More like you crossed my path, I didn't ask to be brought here" I muttered, it'll be a good thing to shut up now but trust my mouth not to.

I'm not always the talkative, I'm always quiet and shy but where I got the mouth to be yapping to Dimitri, I don't know

He growls out low before grabbing my neck with his hands, squeezing the life out of me, I try to free myself from his grip but there's only so much I can do when my hands are bound.

"You're really testing my patience Cara, I won't hesitate to end you right here and right now, Lorenzo will be thrilled to have your body parts chopped off and sent to him in a box" he grits out still gripping my neck hard, I'm finding it hard to breathe but if there's anything I've learned from Cara is to never show my fear.

If I'm going to convince him that I'm Cara, even if it's just to stall for time until someone comes to save me, I have to act like Cara, time to come out of your shell Cora.

"Go to hell" I choke out before doing something only an insane patient or a very pissed of Cara would do, I spit at him.

All that saliva in my mouth, I muster it up and throw it at him, it lands right on his face, dripping from his chin down.

Before I even have a chance to smirk and feel brave I feel my head come in contact with the cold hard floor and my chin is throbbing hard, only after a few seconds do I realise he just slapped me.

The force of the slap so hard that it sent me falling to the ground, my head feel heavy and hurting, I groan out in pain as I try to get up but it's hard, my vision is blurry and tears are blinding my eyes.

I see his shoes from where I'm lying down as he walks out with his puppet right behind him, he locks me in and the whole place goes dark as I finally pass out


I don't know how long I was passed out for but I know I woke up tied in a chair, at least I'm no longer bound by that stupid chain, but now I'm curious as to why I'm tied to a chair.

I've been sitting in this God awful chair for a long while now, no one has come to tell me why I'm tied to a chair yet.

I'm still trying to wiggle out of the ropes when my prison door opens and in walks the devil himself, he's putting on yet another black long sleeve shirt, black pants.

He flicks on a switch and the lights blind my eyes, this will be the first time I'd be seeing any inclination of light in this room.

I squint my eyes to try and adjust to the environment, I look at the room very well and I notice blood stains on the wall making me sick to my stomach, I hate blood so much.

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