Chapter 48

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Ever since Vera's death, this will be the first time I let my emotions show in front of someone other than Ivan

We were both sitting side by side on the chair in the kitchen, she was looking ahead of her and I was looking at her.

Her eyes were still puffy from all the crying she did minutes ago
I hated that I hurt her that much but I can't take it back, but I know I'll try to atone for it.

She never deserved any of it and I was a fool not to see it
Not see how much I was hurting an innocent.

She hasn't said anything after her break down and her telling me how much I hurt her with what I did.

I didn't expect her to say anything though
She just bared her mind to me
It's understandable if she doesn't want to talk now

"I don't wanna keep fighting with you Dimitri" her croaky voice snapped me out of my thoughts, I had been looking at her already

"As much as I want to hate you, I hate that we keep arguing Everytime we need to help Ivan" she adds, I don't say anything, I just let her talk

"I'm tired, I'm tired of always arguing with you and fighting about this" I'm tired too, but I don't voice it out, I just watch her and let her talk

"For Ivan's sake, can we just stop arguing for once and actually try to help him out" she says looking at me, her eyes are red and so is the tip of her nose as she sniffles

I nod my head slowly
"Yeah, I can do that" I whisper out looking at her

"Are you calling it a truce"? I ask finally finding my voice, she looks at me again with her eyes not giving any emotions off

"I don't know what it is, but I just know that I don't want to fight with you anymore Dimitri, so yes maybe a Truce" she finishes looking away

"Okay then" I murmur "will you let me take you to the hospital, even if it's just once, at least to know how far you are" I plead

"Okay, I'll think about it" she whispers shocking me, I thought she'd oppose again "will you promise never to bring it up again, I really don't like talking about it" she adds not looking at me

"I'll try" I tell her and we both just fall into a comfortable silence

I don't know what this is but I'm glad we've come to a compromise, it's progress.
At least now I know just how much I hurt her, and she knows I'm really sorry

We're working towards something, hopefully.

After a while, her voice snaps me out of the daze I'm in

"Just so you know, this changes nothing, it doesn't mean I hate you any less than I did before" she says looking at me and I just nod my head, letting out a huge sigh



I opened the door to find her standing on the other side with a small paper like map thing in her hands.

Her eyes rake through my body before they finally stop at my face and I see her visibly suck in air

Oh shit, I'm completely shirtless
I look back to her and our eyes meet before I see the tint red on her cheek, she's blushing.

I quickly step aside and she walks in trying hard not to look at me, I didn't know she was the one, no that's a big lie because she's the only one that comes here to see me, I just didn't think she'd mind me being shirtless.

I follow her inside and she stops in the living room and puts the papers on the table, turning to face me

Okay this is fucking awkward
"I'll just uhm...I'll go put on a shirt" I mutter scratching the back of my head

She clicked her tongue "good idea" I hear her mutter and I hide the smirk on my face before walking inside and throwing on a grey round neck, then walking back out to find her already sat on the couch while I had to get one of those kitchen chairs and sat facing her

"You didn't tell me you were coming" I voiced out since she didn't want to say anything

She looked up at me "do I have to always inform you before I come, am I interrupting something"? She asks suspiciously looking around the house

"No it's not like that, I just wasn't expecting you that's all" I explain to her, fuck what is wrong with me, why am I nervous.
Pull yourself together Dimitri.

"Well sorry for bursting up on you" she muttered before opening up the papers in front of us both "Well like I said before I was able to sneak into Enzo's office and I found a whole lot of stuff, but these picked my interest the more" she said gesturing to the papers in front of us

"They're maps with locations on them, but they all have one particular location in common and that location is this" she said pointing to a big red circle on the papers, each and every one of them had the same location circled red

"I'm not saying that's where he is, but it's worth checking out don't you think"? She asks me looking at me

"And plus, Enzo's been leaving the mansion more these days and so has my sister so I'm guessing either they're always handling business together or they're going to see Ivan" she finishes looking at me

I breathe out looking at the paper in front of me, it's not certain that's where he is but like she said, it's worth checking out.

"Okay, I'm gonna go check it out" I mutter getting up and going inside to change my pants to something more comfortable and also to get my gun

I come back out and she's already standing packing up the papers, we both walk out together, I'm still looking at her as she circles around my car and stands in the passenger side waiting for me to open it

"What do you think you're doing принцесса"? I ask and she just shrugs

"I'm going with you" she says like it's a normal thing

"No" I ground out

"Yes" she insists



I sigh out running my hands through my hair, this girl is fucking difficult

"Cora, we don't know what we'll be seeing there, if it's even safe enough, I can't take you with me" I try to explain and she just shoots me a pointed look

"Dimitri, I'm going with you whether you like it or not, so either we stand here and argue all day or you open the door and we go, it's your call" she says nonchalantly.

"God you're so stubborn" I murmur unlocking the car and she just gives a cynical smile

"I know" she says before sliding into the car and I follow suit

I like their chemistry

Some if you might think it's too early to just forgive him, buy Cora hasn't forgiven Dimitri yet, she's just ready to work through their differences

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