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Walking through the door, I froze. Henry in my living room? My cheeks flushed. "Umm—hi," I managed, feeling a bit tongue-tied. He was always in my house but I didn't expect him to be here today, not when I had decided to muster up all the courage I needed to tell him how I felt about him.

Henry smiled warmly. "Hey there, Sophia. Don't just stand there, give me a hug!"

Surprised but eager, I hurried over, wrapping my arms around him. His scent engulfed me, sending a shiver down my spine. My heart raced like a hummingbird's wings. He always asked me to hug him, and it was my favorite thing about him. 

"Good to see you," he said, ruffling my hair. I pulled back, his touch lingering like a sweet melody.

Dad grinned at my obvious fluster. "She's growing up, Henry. Turning sixteen soon, high school, and college. you need to stop treating her like a kid."

I didn't even notice my dad was in the room, all I could think about then was the fact that Henry was there. Don't get me wrong, my dad is important to me, ever since I lost my parents, and he adopted me; he was a good friend of my mum. He had been the next best thing that happened to me. He always took care of me and ensured that I was taken care of. 

Henry nodded, that serious glint in his eyes that always intrigued me. "Time flies. College is a big step."

I nodded too quickly, feeling the heat rise in my cheeks. "Definitely, yeah."

Dad motioned toward the dining table. "Join us for dinner, Sophia." 

My pulse quickened. Dinner with Henry? I forced a smile, trying to act cool, collected. "Actually, I should, uh, take a shower first. Be back soon." I have had dinner with them in the past but today was different, today I was more conscious about Henry being in our house more than ever. 

In my room, I leaned against the door, heart still doing a marathon. Changing into my nighties, I took a deep breath. 

Back downstairs, I fumbled through dinner conversation. Henry's words held my attention, but my own responses seemed to get lost on the way out. I stole glances when I thought no one was looking, but Dad's knowing smile told me otherwise. My dad knew I had a crush on Henry but he presumed it was just an innocent crush and nothing innocuous about it. 

Dinner felt like an obstacle course. Henry's words flowed like honey, and my attention clung to them like a magnet. But whenever I tried to speak, my words turned into a jumbled mess.

I managed to sneak glances at him, convinced I was being discreet. There was just something about his present that felt so different to me. My dad ALWAYS told me that I act and talk way older than my age but I lose that grip over myself whenever Henry is around. 

Henry turned his gaze toward me, a friendly smile curving his lips. "So, Sophia, any thoughts about college?" He has always been a conversationalist, he loved to talk about things and had been particularly concerned about my studies, he is big on the whole school stuff. 

"What are your thoughts on college?" he repeated his question, I was lost in my thoughts and over analysis.

My heart skipped a beat, and I almost choked on my food. College? Did he really just ask me that? Keep it together, Sophia.

I cleared my throat, feigning nonchalance. "Yeah, I've been considering Ivy League schools. Maybe Brown or Harvard." I have always wanted to go to an ivy league school, my dad went to one so did Henry. 

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