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Lynda stormed into my office, her expression a mix of concern and disapproval. "Henry, what on earth was that back there? A brawl in the office? Are we in a schoolyard?"

I scrubbed my face with my hands, still feeling the heat of anger. "Lynda, it wasn't just some random fight. Jake was harassing Sophia."

She folded her arms, skepticism etched across her features. "Harassing? Or did you let your temper get the best of you?"

I shot her a sharp look. "I don't just throw punches for no reason. Sophia was upset, and I couldn't stand by while she dealt with that creep."

Lynda sighed, shaking her head. "This is exactly why I was against Sophia working here. Mixing personal relationships with the professional environment is a recipe for disaster."

I leaned back in my chair, frustration evident in my voice. "Lynda, I can't control every aspect of what happens in this office. I won't stand by while someone makes Sophia uncomfortable. She's my responsibility."

She raised an eyebrow. "Responsibility? Henry, she's an employee, not your ward. You need to keep your emotions in check."

I scoffed, a bitter laugh escaping my lips. "You think this is about emotions? Jake crossed a line, and I reacted. End of story."

Lynda's eyes narrowed. "And what if the board decides that your reaction was inappropriate? Do you think they'll care about the details?"

I clenched my jaw. "I don't care about the board right now. I care about Sophia and making sure she feels safe working here."

She sighed again, her frustration matching mine. "You've got to think beyond the immediate moment, Henry. What about the consequences of your actions? This affects the entire workplace."

I stood up, unable to contain my agitation. "I won't apologize for protecting someone I care about. And as for Sophia working here, she's more than capable, and her competence has nothing to do with our personal relationship."

Lynda crossed her arms, a stern look on her face. "You're being short-sighted, Henry. This isn't just about Sophia; it's about maintaining a professional environment for everyone."

I shot back, "And I won't let anyone compromise her well-being. If that means a clash with the board, so be it."

She shook her head, her tone one of resignation. "You're too emotionally invested, Henry. It clouds your judgment."

I glared at her. "Call it what you want. I won't let anyone mess with the people I care about, no matter the consequences."

Lynda's disapproval hung in the air, and I couldn't let it slide. "Lynda, I'm disappointed in you. Would you let your judgment be clouded by your disapproval of my relationship with Sophia?"

She squared her shoulders, meeting my gaze with defiance. "This is about maintaining a professional environment, Henry. Not your romantic escapades."

I scoffed, incredulous. "Escapades? Lynda, Jake harassed Sophia, and all you can see is some workplace romance gone awry?"

She folded her arms, unyielding. "I'm not condoning harassment, but your reaction was excessive. There are proper channels to handle these situations."

I leaned forward, frustration pushing my voice higher. "Proper channels? Sophia was upset, and I wasn't going to wait for some bureaucratic process while she felt unsafe. I took action."

Lynda shook her head, a disapproving frown etched on her face. "Henry, you can't just throw punches whenever you feel like it. It's unprofessional."

"Unprofessional?" I shot back. "Lynda, sometimes you need to act on instinct. Sophia needed someone to stand up for her, and I did just that."

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