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I paced around my apartment, clutching my phone as if it held the secrets to the universe. Kylie, my confidante in all matters of the heart, picked up after a few rings.

"Hey, girl! What's going on?" Kylie's voice was a burst of energy on the other end.

"Kylie, I need your wisdom," I began, my words rushed. "Remember Lucas, the guy I mentioned from Starbucks? Well, he asked me out, and I said yes. Now, I'm not sure if I should tell Henry about it."

Kylie laughed, her amusement evident even through the phone. "Wait, what? You're going on a date with another guy, and you're contemplating whether to tell Henry? This is juicy!"

I sighed, feeling the weight of the situation. "I know, I know. It's just... I didn't know where things stood with Henry, and this is just a one-time thing, you know?"

Kylie chuckled. "Oh, Sophia, you're a walking romantic comedy. Okay, spill. Why are you going on a date with Lucas in the first place?"

I flopped onto my couch, twirling a strand of hair nervously. "I guess I wanted to keep my options open. Henry and I are not official yet, and I didn't want to put all my eggs in one basket."

Kylie's laughter echoed through the phone. "Sophia, you're not running a farm. But seriously, if you're dating Henry, why go out with someone else? That's like ordering a pizza and then going out for sushi."

I giggled, imagining the absurdity of the situation. "I get it, Kylie. But at the time, I didn't know where Henry and I were headed. Now, I just want to have this one date with Lucas and keep it to myself. No harm done, right?"

Kylie sighed playfully. "You, my friend, are a walking disaster. But hey, it's your life. Just don't come crying to me if this blows up in your face."

I rolled my eyes, feigning offense. "Thanks for the support, Kylie. You're a real gem."

She laughed. "Okay, seriously though, if you're into Henry, why even bother with Lucas?"

I paused, contemplating the question. "I guess I just wanted to explore my options. Henry and I are not exclusive yet, right?"

Kylie groaned dramatically. "Sophia, you're giving me a headache. Fine, go on your date with Lucas, but just promise me you won't make this a habit. You're not juggling circus balls here."

I chuckled, appreciating Kylie's colorful analogies. "Deal. One date with Lucas, and then I'll figure things out with Henry. No more circus acts, I promise."

Kylie sighed. "You're lucky I love you, Sophia. Just don't let this turn into a romantic comedy disaster, okay?"

We laughed together, the absurdity of the situation sinking in. Sometimes, life throws curveballs, and you have to navigate them the best way you know how.

As we wrapped up our conversation, I felt a strange mix of nerves and excitement about the impending date with Lucas. It was a decision made in the gray area of my undefined relationship with Henry, and only time would reveal the consequences.

One thing was for sure - my life was turning into a quirky romantic comedy, and I was both the lead actress and the writer of this unpredictable script. As I hung up with Kylie, I couldn't help but wonder how this one-time date with Lucas would play out and what twists and turns awaited me in the chapters to come.

I tiptoed into the kitchen, drawn by the aroma of something delicious. There was Henry, my culinary maestro, effortlessly juggling pots and pans.

"Hey there, chef," I chirped, giving him a peck on the cheek.

Daddy's Best Friend Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora