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The restaurant was buzzing with laughter and animated conversations as my friends and I settled into our seats. Lynda, Jacob, Bryan, Katie, and I were finally taking a break from the chaos of work to enjoy a dinner together. Our careers in various industries meant that our get-togethers were a rare treat, and we were determined to make the most of it.

I leaned back in my chair, surveying the group with a grin. "Well, well, well. Look at us, the titans of industry, taking a breather from conquering the world."

Lynda raised her wine glass with a smirk. "To brief moments of sanity in the midst of the corporate madness."

We all clinked our glasses together, the clinking sounds echoing through the restaurant. Katie chimed in with a laugh. "So, Henry, tell us, how's life as the untouchable billionaire?"

I chuckled, sipping my wine before responding. "Oh, you know, just another day of counting my millions and dodging paparazzi."

Bryan chuckled. "And here I thought you were just playing golf all day."

I feigned a look of mock offense. "Hey, golf is serious business. It's all about strategy, precision, and the right amount of trash talk."

Jacob smirked. "And how's your swing, Mr. Billionaire?"

I leaned in, lowering my voice dramatically. "Let's just say I've been giving Tiger Woods a run for his money."

Laughter erupted around the table, and I couldn't help but revel in the camaraderie. It was a relief to let loose and enjoy the company of friends who understood the pressures and absurdities of our respective professions.

Katie leaned forward, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "But Henry, speaking of money, how's the market treating you these days?"

I sighed dramatically, placing a hand on my heart. "Oh, Katie, my dear, the market is a fickle lover. One moment it's showering you with gifts, and the next it's ghosting you."

Laughter erupted again, this time mingling with sympathetic nods. We all knew the struggle of navigating the unpredictable world of finance.

Lynda raised an eyebrow. "And how's your latest business venture? Any groundbreaking innovations?"

I leaned back, adopting a thoughtful expression. "Ah, yes. You see, I've invented a revolutionary device that turns stress into pure profit. I call it the Stress-O-Meter."

Katie burst into laughter. "I could use one of those!"

Bryan nodded in agreement. "Where do I sign up?"

We poked fun at each other's industries, swapped war stories from the corporate battlefield, and reveled in the fact that, for a few hours, we could forget about spreadsheets and presentations.

By the time the champagne arrived, we were all in high spirits, our cheeks flushed from laughter and wine. I raised my glass again, a smile playing on my lips. "To friendship, success, and surviving the madness together."

"To us," Lynda echoed, her voice filled with warmth.

As the dinner conversation flowed, I couldn't shake the feeling that my friends were up to something. The mischievous glances exchanged between Lynda, Katie, and Jacob were a dead giveaway. It was like they were plotting something behind my back, and I had a sinking suspicion that I was about to become the unwitting participant in their little game.

I took a sip of my wine, trying to play it cool, but my curiosity was getting the better of me. "So, should we order dessert?" I suggested, attempting to divert their attention.

Katie shook her head with a smirk. "Not yet, Henry. We're expecting someone else."

Someone else? I exchanged a glance with Lynda, who appeared far too innocent for my liking. I leaned back in my chair, folding my arms. "Okay, spill it. What's going on?"

Jacob chuckled, his eyes dancing with amusement. "Relax, man. Just go with the flow."

I narrowed my eyes at him, my suspicions growing. And then, as if on cue, the restaurant's entrance swung open, and my suspicions were confirmed. A woman walked in, radiating elegance and confidence. She had an aura that demanded attention, and I couldn't help but notice how beautiful she was.

The corners of my friends' mouths twitched as they exchanged knowing glances. They were setting me up on a blind date, and they weren't even trying to be subtle about it.

The woman approached our table with a warm smile, and I mentally braced myself for the awkwardness that was about to ensue. She introduced herself as Layla, Bryan's sister, and I couldn't deny the sense of relief that washed over me. At least she was connected to one of my friends, so it wouldn't be a complete disaster.

We all engaged in casual conversation, discussing various topics that ranged from work to hobbies. As the conversation flowed, I found myself genuinely enjoying Layla's company. She was intelligent, witty, and had an air of sophistication that intrigued me.

However, my friends were not about to let the evening unfold without a little push. Katie and Jacob kept finding ways to steer the conversation in my direction, creating opportunities for Layla and me to interact. It was both amusing and slightly exasperating, as I realized just how invested they were in orchestrating this unexpected rendezvous.

At one point, Layla and I found ourselves discussing our favorite travel destinations. Her eyes lit up as she recounted her adventures, and I found myself captivated by her stories. As we shared our own travel experiences, there was a natural rapport between us that I hadn't anticipated.

Katie leaned in with a playful grin. "So, Henry, you're an adventurer too?"

I chuckled, giving Layla a knowing look. "Apparently, the secret's out."

Layla laughed, her eyes twinkling. "Well, it's always the quiet ones who surprise you."

The dinner continued with a mix of lighthearted banter and genuine conversation. Despite the initial awkwardness of the setup, Layla's presence was refreshing, and I found myself enjoying her company more than I expected.

As the evening drew to a close, I couldn't help but feel grateful for my friends' well-intentioned meddling. They may have orchestrated the situation, but Layla and I had taken it from there, finding a connection that went beyond their initial plans.

So, while I may have been initially skeptical about the setup, I had to admit that sometimes even the most unexpected circumstances can lead to surprisingly pleasant outcomes.

I think Layla can take my mind off Sophia, who I seem to think about a lot these days

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