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The ringtone blared, indicating a call from my dad. I hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether to answer or let it go to voicemail. Dad had a sixth sense for detecting when something was off, and today was no exception.

"Hey, Dad," I answered, trying to sound casual.

"Sweetheart, how's everything? How's school?" His voice held the warmth and concern that only a father's could.

"It's good, Dad, you know, the usual." I glanced at my textbooks scattered across the bed, wondering if I could sound convincing enough.

He chuckled. "And what about Jason? How's he treating you?"

There it was—the Jason question. I took a deep breath, knowing I couldn't evade it forever. "Dad, we need to talk about Jason."

His tone shifted to seriousness. "What's going on, Sophia?"

I fidgeted with the edge of my notebook. "Dad, the thing is, there is no Jason. I made him up."

Silence. Then a heavy sigh. "What do you mean, you made him up?"

I swallowed hard, trying to find the right words. "I, uh, I wasn't dating Jason. I just said that to get you off my back about dating boys my age."

There was a pause, a pregnant silence that spoke volumes. I could almost hear the disappointment seeping through the phone.

"You lied to me?" His voice, though not raised, held a weight that made my heart sink.

"I... I'm sorry, Dad. I didn't know how to tell you the truth. I didn't want you worrying about me being single or anything."

His response was measured. "Sophia, lying is never the solution. I would've appreciated your honesty more than a made-up boyfriend."

"I know, Dad. I messed up. I just thought it would be easier."

He sighed again, a mix of frustration and concern. "Easier for who, Sophia? Certainly not for us."

I felt a lump forming in my throat. "Dad, I didn't mean to disappoint you."

"I'm not disappointed, sweetheart. I'm just... I wish you felt you could be honest with me."

A heavy silence hung between us. I wished I could take back my words, rewind the conversation, and start fresh.

"I want you to promise me, Sophia, no more lies. We can talk about anything, no matter how difficult. You don't have to make up stories."

"I promise, Dad. No more lies."

The sincerity in my voice seemed to reassure him a bit. "Alright then. We'll figure this out. Just remember, I'm always here for you, no matter what."

"Thanks, Dad. I appreciate it."

He cleared his throat, a nervous energy audible even over the phone. "Sophia, there's something I wanted to talk to you about."

I sensed that this wasn't going to be just any ordinary conversation. "Sure, Dad. What's on your mind?"

There was a pause, as if he was gathering his thoughts. "Well, Sophia, I've been thinking a lot, and I want to propose to Kayla."

My heart sank, and I tried my best to keep a neutral tone. "Oh, really? That's...unexpected."

Dad seemed to sense my hesitation. "Sophia, I know it might come as a surprise, but Kayla and I have been getting along so well. I want to take the next step."

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