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Henry’s POV

Layla's entrance into my home was like a breath of fresh air. She looked stunning, and I couldn't help but offer her a compliment as I welcomed her in. "You look absolutely beautiful tonight, Layla," I said, my voice genuine.

She smiled graciously, her eyes sparkling. "Thank you, Henry. You clean up rather nicely yourself."

I chuckled, feeling a wave of relief wash over me. The atmosphere was light, and I could tell this evening might turn out better than expected.

I guided her towards the sitting area, I couldn't help but think that Layla had a way of putting me at ease. Her presence was calming, and her smile was infectious. "What would you like to drink?" I asked, motioning towards the well-stocked bar.

She paused for a moment, considering her options. "Red wine, please. Your choice."

I reached for a bottle of my finest red wine, a vintage that had aged gracefully over the years. Pouring it into two elegant glasses, I handed one to Layla. She took a sip, her eyes closing momentarily as she savored the flavor.

"Exquisite choice," she complimented, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in my selection.

We settled into our seats, the soft glow of the evening casting a warm ambiance around us. It was the perfect setting for a heart-to-heart conversation.

I leaned in slightly, my curiosity getting the better of me. "Layla, if you don't mind me asking, why isn't a beautiful and accomplished woman like yourself married or in a relationship?"

She chuckled softly, her gaze distant for a moment as if she were lost in thought. "That's a good question, Henry. You see, I've spent a significant part of my life traveling, especially for my career. It always seemed like work took precedence over everything else. And now, looking back on those years, I can't help but wonder if it was worth sacrificing love for my ambitions."

Her words struck a chord with me. The pursuit of success often came with sacrifices, and it wasn't uncommon to wonder if those sacrifices were truly worth it.

I took a sip of my wine, the rich flavor dancing on my taste buds. "I understand what you mean," I replied, my tone thoughtful. "Sometimes, we get so caught up in our goals that we forget the importance of human connection."

Layla nodded, her expression thoughtful. "Exactly. Don't get me wrong; I'm proud of my achievements, but there's a part of me that longs for something more."
thing more.

Layla's question hung in the air, a gentle reminder of the awkwardness that always seemed to surround the topic of Sophia. My gaze faltered for a moment as I considered my response, but I couldn't avoid it forever.

"Well, I used to live here alone," I began cautiously, "but now Sophia lives with me."

As if on cue, Sophia emerged from her room, and my eyes instinctively went to the rather revealing outfit she was wearing. It was clear that her sense of fashion was on a different wavelength than most.

Layla, with curiosity gleaming in her eyes, turned her attention to Sophia. "Oh, is this your daughter?"

Sophia's laughter rang out like a discordant note in the room. "Oh, Layla, you wish," she teased, her tone laced with sarcasm.

I quickly jumped in, feeling the need to clarify. "No, Sophia's not my daughter. She's a college student and lives here with me now."

Layla, attempting to engage Sophia in conversation, made an effort to break the ice. "So, Sophia, what are you studying in college?"

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