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Two hands cupped my face and I slowly opened my eyes to see Kai looking down at me.

He seemed distressed. His hair was tousled, eyes wide with his jaw tense.

"Daisy, what's wrong?" He was hovering above me, scanning my face with his eyes.

"It's ok, I'm fine. It's just.. I wasn't aware that I'd be flying and the height gave me a little panic attack, that's all. Honestly, you don't need to worry about me." I looked down at my hands as Kai let out a breath, sitting down beside me.

Kiara was nowhere in sight and now that it was just Kai and I, I felt s little lost.

The last few hours thst I'd spent with her, she had become my friend, my shoulder to cry on and my advice council.

"I will always worry about you, whether you want me to or not. You're my soulmate, the feelings I have for you will never go away." 

I turned my head, arching my neck up to look at him. "I'm sorry."

"You're sorry?" His confusion was evident as his eyes narrowed down at me.

"Yes, I shouldn't have left. I should have stayed and spoken to you instead of running away. I just got caught up in the moment and thought you wanted things to go further. I totally understand if you don't want to."

"Oh believe me, I want to." 

"You do?" My pulse quickened, flutters swirling in my stomach.

"If you're worried about hurting me." I took his hand in mine. "Don't. I'll be fine."

"Kiara told you then?"

I reached my hand up, placing it on the back of his neck, pulling him closer to plant a gentle kiss on his lips.

Kai let out a groan.

"You really shouldn't do that." His voice was low and gravelly, causing my 'ladybug' to come alive.

I squeezed my legs together, standing up in the hope that it would subside. 

I caught a glimpse of a grin on Kai's face as he stood up infront of me.

He smoothed his hair over to one side with his hand, watching me squirm under his gaze. He knew what he was doing to me and I could tell he was enjoying it.

How the hell did he get me so flustered? His cool, calm persona made me think he wasn't actually turned on right now, but like Kiara said, if I'm feeling it, he's feeling it too. I needed to pull myself together.

"Oh, I do apologise it won't happen again." I grinned back at him. Two can play this game.

"Shall we go and get this over with then?" Kai held out his arm and I looped mine around his, sucking in a breath.

"Indeed, let's go."

We stepped out of the panic attack mobile and began walking down a short grassy footpath. The sun was beaming down on us and it felt amazing to breathe in fresh air.

I slowed my pace, enjoying the warmth of the sun on my pale skin.

"Are you alright, Daisy?" Kai stopped, looking down at me.

"I haven't been outside in such a long time. I just want to smell the outdoors and feel the warm breeze, just for a minute if you don't mind?"

"Take as long as you need." His sweet smile made my heart flutter.

"Thank you."

We walked slowly, arm in arm until we came to a building that resembled a palace. I gazed up at it, awestruck by the beauty of such a grand structure.

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