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Kordin rested his arms on his desk, clasping his hands together before he began.

"When Emrys is ready, we will arrange for his new identity to be created with the appropriate documents being drawn up and entered into the system on Earth. As far as a home, we have looked into suitable places for him to reside and there are a few that we deem suitable in the region that you came from, and a few more further away."

I nodded, not hearing anything that was worth worrying about.

"As with his identity, we can create a bank account with sufficient funds for him to live on while he becomes accustomed to his new life. While all of this comes easy, the hard part will be living alone in a world that has progressed while he's been gone. In order to get him home and settled with as little stress as possible, we believe that he would need someone with him, to teach him and help him with everything."

Kordin paused while I thought about what he had said.

Slowly lifting my gaze to meet his, realisation kicked in.

My heart was now pounding in my chest. He said that Emrys would 'need someone with him'. There isn't anyone but me that could go with him. Any zaviour on Earth would stick out like a sore thumb. He didn't mean 'someone', he meant me.

"You want me to go back to Earth?" I said slowly.

"No, it's not that I want you to. I've thought long and hard about what's best for Emrys, and the best possible solution would be to take him back with another human. A human that knows Earth and can help him recover from his ordeal."

"Can't we send him once he's better?"

"Daisy." Kordin sighed. "Now that he's on Zandara, we are obliged to make sure that he is fully cared for. His wishes need to be respected so if he wants to return to Earth, then that's what needs to happen. If a zaviour could go with him, we wouldn't be having this conversation now but we both know that can't happen."

"I take it Kai won't be able to join us then?" I spoke quietly.

"If you decide to go with him, it would only be you and Emrys."

"Would I be able to come back here once he's on his feet?"

"Yes, absolutely. It wouldn't be permanent."

I sucked in a breath, my emotions all over the place at the thought of leaving Kai.

"How long would I need to be gone?"

"Haldon thinks six Earth months, maybe less, depending on how well Emrys copes."

Oh god. Six months without Kai? I wanted Emrys to get better and return home, I really did, but I wasn't sure that I would be able to leave Kai. Six months is a long time, especially without any form of communication.

"What if I say no? What would happen with Emrys?" I wondered.

Kordin sat up straight, rubbing the back of his neck.

"We don't have many options. We could keep him here and teach him how to handle things but that could take a year or more and it could cause more harm than good to his mental state. Another option would be to send him alone and do welfare checks once a week but that would be very risky for us. The last option would be to keep him here, but that would be a breach of his rights and I can't imagine that would go down well with him."

I wanted to cry. I didn't want to leave Kai and I certainly didn't want to return to Earth but I felt pressured into it, almost like I had no choice.

"I need to speak to Kai about it. Have you told him?" I wondered.

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