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The thought of Daisy going back to Zandara terrified me immensely but I knew that she was desperate to get back to Kai, and who was I to stand in her way?

She had been my only constant since I woke up from Felix taking over my body and as much as I felt like I needed her, I just couldn't be selfish and force her stay.

One month wasn't very long, but it was the goal that I'd set and I planned on making the most of my time with Daisy on Earth.

She had her first vision of Kai three days ago, and since then, she'd had four more.

She was worried about him and I felt helpless, unable to stop the tears whenever they started. All I could do was comfort her and remind her to take each day at a time.

Having a timeframe set for when she was due to leave seemed to help, but it didn't stop her nightmares from invading her dreams.

She was terrified by them, visibly shaken to the core but she never wanted to talk about them and just blocked them out.

Last night, she stayed in my room, hopeful that she would rest easily knowing that someone else was with her, but as I expected, another nightmare woke her from her sleep.

It was mid-morning, and Samantha paid us a surprise visit to drop off a fresh batch of chocolate chip cookies.

I couldn't get enough of them, having two each time we went to the cafe so I was extremely grateful for her kind gesture, taking a bite of one as soon as she put them on the kitchen table.

"These are my absolute favourite. Thank you, Samantha." I smiled softly at her.

"You're welcome." She smiled, though slightly nervous.

"Daisy is just in the shower. You're more than welcome to wait for her if you'd like to see her." I stated.

"How is she doing? Did something happen the other day at the cafe? One minute she was fine, the next she was gone and I haven't seen either of you since. I was actually getting worried." She stated.

"Oh, yes, she's fine. She's just missing her.. boyfriend, that's all." I muttered, unsure of what to say.

"She has a boyfriend? I didn't realise, she's never spoken about him."

"Yes, I do. His name is Kai and I'll be leaving soon to go and live with him." Daisy chimed, walking into the kitchen with a smile.

I was relieved when she appeared, taking control of Samantha's questions so that I didn't have to struggle with on the spot lies about her and Kai.

"You're leaving?" Samantha screeched with wide eyes.

"Yes, in a few weeks, quite far away too." Daisy chortled, looking over at me with a grin.

"Where are you moving to? Make sure you stay in touch, I've loved getting to know you these last few weeks. Aww, it's a shame he isn't moving here instead."

Daisy looked stumped, lost for words and I wracked my brains to think of something to say, but my mind was blank as we stood there in silence.

"Emrys will still be here." Daisy finally spoke and I almost choked on my breath at the thought of spending some time alone with Samantha.

She had really grown on me since meeting her, more than I would like to admit, but Daisy wasn't stupid, she knew how I felt and I was grateful that she didn't force me to open up.

"That's a relief." Samantha smiled, blushing slightly as she looked down at her hands.

"I'm glad that you think that, Samantha. Having you around will make leaving him here a little easier."

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