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When Kai and I got home, he was unusually quiet.

He was sat on the sofa, deep in concentration as he read something on his wristband.

I was unsure if he was mad at me for announcing that I'd help Florna, but I was going to stand by my decision regardless.

After making something to eat, I called him into the kitchen.

I was already sat at the table when he walked in and silently sat down opposite me, glancing over with a small smile.

"Thank you." He quietly spoke before he began eating.

I played with the food on my plate, pushing it to one side and then the other, sneaking glances at Kai but he never once looked up at me.

I picked up my plate to dispose of it's contents but as I passed Kai, I had finally grabbed his attention.

"Oh no you don't." He stopped me in my tracks.


"You haven't touched any of your meal and you barely ate anything this morning."

"I'm not hungry." I shrugged.

I actually felt starving but when we left Kintel and Florna, a knot formed in my stomach and I'd felt nauseous ever since.

"Daisy." He sighed. "You are going to get sick if you don't look after yourself. I can protect you physically but I can't stop you from getting sick when you refuse to eat."

"Don't worry, I will eat later."

I smiled softly and he sighed with a nod.

Once everything was cleared away, I went up the stairs to have a lie down.

Kai was definitely mad at me and I lay my head on my pillow feeling deflated and tired.

I felt restless, tossing and turning until I gave up on trying to sleep. I gazed up at the ceiling, thinking about Earth.

I missed pizza and chocolate, and right at that very moment, I craved an iced coffee.

I wondered if anyone had even noticed that I'd disappeared and I wondered how much debt I'd racked up in rent and unpaid bills, but I suppose it didn't really matter now.

I didn't have family but I had a landlord, neighbours in the flat upstairs and a boss who I'd only know for two months.

"Daisy?" Kai's voice was low as he peered through the door.

"Yeah?" I blinked, coming out of my daze.

"There's some people here to see you."

I crinkled my brows, sitting up in bed so that I could see him. Did I hear him correctly?

"Sorry? What did you say?"

"You have a couple of visitors."

I blinked, staring at him for a moment. Who would want to see me?

"Who is it?" I wondered.

"Come and see." He smiled and I jumped out of bed quickly, curiosity getting the better of me.

I followed Kai down the stairs and when I entered the living room, I froze to the spot, my eyes wide as I stared in disbelief.

"Gemma, Hayley!" I screeched.

With open arms, I ran over to them, pulling them into a tight embrace as their arms wrapped around my waist.

We stood quietly for a moment and when we broke apart from one another, my eyes pooled as I looked at them again.

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