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So that I wouldn't arrive unannounced, I called Klaus to let him know that I was on my way.

He didn't sound surprised to hear from me so it made me wonder if he had spoken to Kai.

Would Klaus know where he was?

I was optimistic that I'd get some answers from him, and if not, I knew that Kiara would be on my side and help me find Kai.

Yet again, I spent my time calling him as I sat in the shuttle, hoping and praying that he would evenually answer.

It frustrated me that he wouldn't just talk to me. Two minutes was all I needed to know that he was safe and well but he couldn't even give me that.

As much as I loved him, I was ready to throttle him. I wanted him to feel what I felt, the heaviness weighing down on my cheast and the feeling like I couldn't breathe, and once I'd caused him a slight bit of misery, I'd wrap my arms around him as tightly as possible and never let him go.

Speckles of snow began to fall as I peered out of the window and it concerned me that it might hinder my attempts at finding Kai if it got any worse.

My wristband bleeped and my heart almost burst out of my chest.

Was it Kai?

No, it wasn't. Haldon had sent me a message and I screamed in vexation, balling my fists as I slammed them into the seat of the shuttle.

Begrudgingly, I read the message to see what he could possibly want.

Thanks for returning my shuttle. Please pop by later so that I can check you over. Emrys would really like to see you too - Medic Haldon

I rolled my eyes at his request. I didn't need checking over, if anything, he needed to prep a healing pod for after I found Kai.

I didn't respond to his message, but it gave me an idea. If I sent Kai a message, he would most likely read it and it didn't really matter if he responded or not.

Would I be crossing the line if I threatened him with my life? Would he come out of hiding if he thought that I was in danger?

I shook my head, appalled at myself for thinking such thoughts. When he's ready to speak, he'll let me know, but for now, there was no harm in me looking for him and fighting his case in the hope that I could exculpate him.

I pulled up outside Klaus' house and he was already waiting for me at the front door.

I felt drained and a little light headed but I plastered on a fake smile and waved at him as I climbed out of the shuttle.

"Come on, little earthling, let's get you inside." He smiled softly.

I was surprised at the small chuckle that left my mouth. He still had to call me an earthling no matter how low I was feeling and it felt quite refreshing to feel a slight moment of humour.

I sat down at the kitchen table and Klaus placed a plate infront of me before sitting down with his own.

"I know you want to talk and I know it's important, but this dessert has been on my mind since I found out about it. I would bet my life on the fact that you haven't eaten this morning so I must insist that we eat first and discuss after, ok?" He smiled, raising his brows.

Was he for real? Was this dessert really that important to him?

I sighed, exasperated, but complied with his demands and ate the god damn dessert.

"You really didn't have to wait to eat this, you know?" I muttered.

"Are you kidding me? We entered into an unspoken pact to eat every dessert on the menu for the rest of our lives. When a new one comes out, you and I must try it together. There's no going back now, Daisy. Never."

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