Chapter 18

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I blinked my eyes open slowly to darkness. Where...?

Oh. Oh no...that did not just happen. XGaster did not just get access to my world.

I struggled into a sitting position, looking around. XGaster was nowhere to be seen, though his hand still impaled my poor soul. And my health was still low. And his monsters were missing?

I saw Nightmare...unconscious?? And Dream was still struggling in his cocoon of chains, as were the rest of Nightmare's group.


No one responded, and that's when I realized I still had the gag on. I groaned silently. For frick's sake...

The hand wasn't restricting my movement, so I shakily got to my feet, drawing the attention of the other Sanses. "Y/N?" Dream asked hesitantly.

"Woah, the human's got a freaky purple eye like that freak!" Dust exclaimed.

I frowned at Dust. What the heck did he mean...?

I held a hand up to my eyes and saw a faint neon purple glow hit my hand on the left side. I blinked in confusion. Why did I have an eye like his monsters...? Was that an indication that he had control of me? I didn't feel controlled...

I shakily walked over to Dream and got down by him. I started unwrapping the chains once I found where they actually started. After a few agonizingly slow minutes, I freed Dream who immediately reached out and grabbed the gag, getting it off my face.

Thanks...what the heck happened...? He pressed that button and everything went dark.

"You and Nightmare both went unconscious, which is strange as NOTHING makes Nightmare unconscious..."

I turned toward Nightmare's gang who watched us with calculating eyes. Can you not attack us if we free you?

Killer looked at the others and then shrugged. "Sure, I guess."

That's not very convincing... I muttered but got down beside Horror to free him as Dream started freeing Killer.

They weren't as tightly cocooned as Dream had been, so we managed to free all of them after a couple of minutes.

They stretched some before going over to Nightmare to free him. I stood back, my arms crossed as I looked down at the hand encasing my soul. The spike protruding from the palm didn't quite reach far enough to actually stab me, but it was still uncomfortably close to my chest.

"Ack!" I heard Horror yell. I looked up to see them around Nightmare, although Horror was holding his hand, rubbing it. "Oww...that shocked me something fierce!"

I tilted my head. The chains shocked you?

"I kinda just said that, human."

I shook my head. Sorry, my head's a little fuzzy. I don't feel

"That's because I don't think you ARE all here..." Dream said worriedly. "If XGaster isn't here, then he might be in your world. And if you're the connection between the worlds, then he'd be using your body as a vessel of sorts. So some of you isn't here."

But...what does that have to do with Nightmare...?

Dream looked over at his brother. "I don't know...the bridge to your body, perhaps? Nightmare was able to find a way into your world and thus made a hole. That's the only reason you were able to summon me with good feelings."

And he...used this hole to drag all his monsters through, too?

"I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case."

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