Chapter 31

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I woke up to guns in my face. That was...not fun.

I stiffened as I glanced at the guards at the side of the bed pointing guns at me. Strangely, though, I could sense their fear of me.

Oh right...the transformation was in both worlds...

I didn't move more than my head as I looked at them. "Hi? "

The guards' faces were emotionless, but their fear was prominent in their minds. They were really scared of me.

I kinda just laid there for a moment before shifting and slowly sitting up, keeping a wary eye on the guards. One of them spoke. "Don't move. The general will be here shortly."

I partially ignored him, turning and facing them in a sitting position before scooting back against the wall. I then stopped moving, though I felt tendrils come from my back instinctively, making the guards take a step back with scowls on their faces. "We will shoot you if you try anything."

"Yeah, I figured. Please don't shoot me. I can't quite figure out how to control this body properly yet."

I also didn't know if bullets would even affect me anymore...

I sat there in silence for a couple of tense minutes before Mathias came in with a couple of well-dressed people that I recognized. My tendrils stiffened at the sight of them and the guards shifted slightly, watching me closely. I could feel anger starting to bubble up inside me, but I pushed it down, taking a deep breath.

The man I recognized looked me over, making me uncomfortable. "So...that weird liquid did this to you?"

Uh oh. Please don't tell me he's about to try to make a weapon out of me or parts of me or something. "Sort of..."

He tilted his head at the strange hollow echo in my voice. "Sort of?"

I sighed. "My own negativity and anger towards life and people in general didn't help in not letting it take over, but yes, the liquid negativity caused this."

The man looked deep in thought as the woman spoke. "This could be a breakthrough in science and bio-warfare..."

I scowled, my tendrils moving like angry snakes behind me. "You are NOT using Nightmare's essence to create nightmarish super soldiers."

The man frowned. "You still do not seem to recognize your place, girl. You are under our power and supervision."

I growled quietly. "If I really wanted to, I could leave right now. Break out and never be seen again. You can't kill me. Not while I'm like this."

I was partially lying. I didn't know if they could kill me or not while I was like this. I didn't really want to test it out, anyway.

"Such arrogance from one being held at gunpoint." The woman commented, crossing her arms.

I ignored her comment, looking to Mathias. "Did the recorders catch what you wanted from the other universe? "

Mathias nodded. "It caught everything we did and said."

"At least you guys now have solid proof that where I'm going exists."

That may or may not be a good thing, though. Do you really want these...arrogant humans knowing of our existence?

Not particularly. But what's done is done. They know now. How are you and Dream doing?

We're okay. Dream is ecstatic to see me again.

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