Chapter 30

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I tched. As if. Pretty sure it just made me more mouthy.

"Eugh, the horrid child is all...gross now." Muffet muttered.

I narrowed my eyes at her. I hate spiders, so I could say the same of you, freaky Muffet.

She hissed at me, and I merely bared my teeth in a silent growl, sidestepping slightly to better guard Mathias and Sam.

I was trying to get used to the sensation of negativity fueling me. Muffet's anger radiated off her. I could sense pain, as well, from a few of the monsters we had dealt injuries to. I felt Sam's fear and Mathias's general discomfort of the situation.

It was...overwhelming, to say the least. Not something I was used to.

I shook my head slightly. We're getting off-topic. XGaster, you need to stand the hell down. Stop this...this crusade of yours NOW. Or I WILL make you regret it.


I glanced down at my soul which floated lazily in front of my chest. It was heart-shaped, but it endlessly dripped black goop without actually dripping, if that makes any sense.

I looked back up at him. A monster soul with a human soul is one of the most powerful combinations in the multiverse. And I happened to combine with one of the more powerful monster souls.

I CAN SEE THAT. He hummed, summoning multiple hands around himself.

The tendrils that had tried to break my skin earlier easily slipped out of my goopy body this time. I held my knife with both hands, scowling. Don't even think about it.

He simply smirked and the hands teleported away.

Sam let out a yelp of surprise as she dodged sideways, barely avoiding the hand trying to grab her soul. Mathias shot the hand trying to grab his and it disintegrated.

I took my knife and my tendrils and launched at XGaster with a silent snarl. I moved even faster than I had been able to previously. I almost teleported.

This, in turn, took XGaster by surprise. He grunted in pain as my tendrils lashed out at him and my knife became embedded in his torso.

Knives found their way into my own body as XGaster's Frisk summoned a multitude of knives, throwing them into me.

...yet I felt no pain. Just annoyance.

One of my tendrils acted on its own, lashing out at Frisk. Frisk made a face of pain as the tendril wrapped around his neck at lightning speed, squeezing hard.

I scowled in his direction. F*** off, freak.

The tendril threw him away as I turned my attention back to XGaster. He narrowed his already slim eyes at me. HOW MUCH OF YOU IS THERE LEFT, HUMAN?

Every bit yet none at all. I growled, yanking out my goopified knife. XGaster used a few of his hands to shove me away, teleporting backwards. He held his wound for a moment before it closed on its own. But instead of looking like he'd never been hit at all, a thin line of liquid negativity indicated a scar where I'd hit.

He examined it with interest. He then looked up at me as I backed up toward Sam and Mathias. IT WOULD SEEM YOU ARE INDEED STRONG ENOUGH TO DEFY ME. THAT POSES A PROBLEM.

I sneered while continuing to back up. Good.

One may be asking why I was backing up. I was trying to make sure the Xtale monsters didn't try anything else against the people that I brought with me to stop them.

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