2. Traffic

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TW: blood and creepy stuff ⚠
Spelling errors

•Reds POV•

“Red, I found her!” Blue shouted. Red and blue had separated and were both searching for yellow. Red ran over to blue. Blue knelt on the ground next to yellow's limp and cut body. Red covered her mouth. “Is she dead?!" “No, she's alive." Blue said, checking her pulse, "We need to get her home. She must have been hit by the car or something. Help me carry her.” Red nodded and helped blue pick her up. They took her out to their car and quickly got in. Blue turned on the radio as they drove out of the mall parking lot. The radio person's voice was urgent, “Please, everyone, stay inside your house at all times. Don’t go outside at all. We will be updating you as soon as possible on the death rate. Please stay calm as we try to sort this out.” Blue turned the volume down and sighed. “It’s happening everywhere…” They pulled out onto a main road and were immediately stuck in traffic. Red pulled out her phone and texted TSC and green that they were stuck in traffic and it would take a while to get home. She also added that they found each other and that yellow was hurt badly. SC texted back almost immediately. “How badly hurt is yellow?” Red texted back, “She’s unconscious rn and she has a lot of bleeding cuts. We think she was hit, or almost hit, by a car.” TSC texted back, “No! I wish there was a way to help you guys get here quicker...” Red sighed and turned off her phone. She turned and looked at yellow who was laid out in the backseat. She looked like she was sleeping and the blood had stopped flowing from the cuts. Red turned back around and blue looked over at her. “Is she doing ok back there?” “Yeah she looks ok, the blood stopped.” Blue nodded, “good. I’m going to take a short cut, and it’ll be bumpy, so can you go to the back with yellow and make sure she doesn’t get hurt?” Red nodded and crawled over the seats to the back. She buckled in and waited. When the cars started moving again blue pulled sharp to the right and drove along the grass. He swerved again to the right and drove straight into the woods. "What are you doing?!” Red shouted as she was thrown around in the back. “It's ok. This path pulls out onto a backroad that goes straight to our house. Now hold on and keep an eye on yellow!” They hit another bump and red hit her head on the car roof. Blue drove like crazy, dodging trees and rocks. Soon they came to a well driven path. Red placed a hand on her head and rubbed the spot she had hit. “Ughh.” She groaned. Blue looked back at her through the mirror. “Sorry. Bump your head?” “Yes.” Blue looked over at yellow. “She's still doing ok, right?” Red looked over at yellow and checked her pulse. “Yep she’s fine.” Blue nodded and looked back at the path. When the path also came to an end they turned onto a narrow gravel road. “Our house is nearby.” Blue said. Red sighed and unbuckled. She looked down at her hands and realized that they had somehow started bleeding. She quickly wiped the blood off and glanced up at blue. He hadn’t seen. Good.
   They pulled into the drive way about 4 minutes later and got yellow inside. Red went up to her room and examined her hands. A deep cut had formed on the back of her hands. She was stunned that the cut was in the shape of a diamond. “What the…” red murmured breathlessly.

   A week passed since the vanishings but everything was still a mess all around the world. But at the CG's house things had started to calm down a little bit. Red’s hands now had scars in the shape of diamonds, but no one had noticed. Yellow had woken up later after they had gotten home a week ago and her cuts were now scars too. Still no one was allowed out of the house unless it was completely necessary. No more vanishing had happened though since that horrible day. But blue had been anxious and yellow had told red that he was reading a book lately about something exactly like what had happened to them. Yellow told red that the book talked about dramatic natural disasters that would come after the vanishings. “Like what?” red asked. “Worldwide Earthquakes and floods, hail turning to blood, demon bugs, weird stuff like that. There's no way it's true but blue thinks that it is possible, that it could happen.” “That’s crazy.” Yellow nodded. “I can only hope he’s wrong, but everything that's happened so far has also happened in the book. It weird.” Reds felt a sting of sharp pain in her hands. She glanced down at the cuts and realized they were turning a dark red. Red looked back up at yellow.
"There's no way any of that could happen. But anyway I gotta go check on Reuben. Bye." She got up and quickly left the room. By the time she got upstairs and to her room the cuts had burst open and blood ran down her hands.
"No no no no no!"
Red whispered to herself as she wiped the blood off with tissues. Finally the bleeding stopped. Red lay back on her bed and closed her eyes. Suddenly everything was black. Then she heard a noise. Then images flooded reds mind. Horrific images. Earthquake opening the earth and swallowing houses, floods that were so huge they destroyed even the strongest of bridges, hail that turned to blood when it hit the earth, bugs with the face of a man, main of a lion, and tail of a scorpion. Everything yellow had said and more. But it was far worse then what yellow had explained because now red was experiencing it. When the images vanished and red could see again, she had slid to the floor. Her heart beat fast and her breath was rapid. Suddenly, the ground began to shake. Violently.
Red realize the the first disaster had come, and the damage it would cause would be horrible and devastating. She had to get to safety.

1072 words

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