4. Return

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TW: blood and pain
Spelling errors

•Reds POV•

When they arrived at Mango's home, Red went into the bathroom and purple gave her the bandages and anything she would need to clean her cuts. Purple left and red closed the door. She got her arm into a cast and cleaned out the diamond cuts. The diamond on her sprained arm now had a cut through the middle and made it look as if the diamond had broken in half. She wrapped a bandage around her hands and covered the diamond shaped cuts. If the diamond cuts somehow broke open again the blood would be in the bandage and she wouldn't have to worry. When she had finished she walked out to the living room. Somehow Mango's home had survived the earthquake and had barely been touched by it at all. Green sat on the couch next to purple while mango and TSC stood to the side. Blue and yellow had also come to the house and now they all stood in the living room watching the TV. Red walked in and stood still in shock as the news broadcasted photographs of what the earthquake had done. The number of deaths known so far was shown at the bottom of the screen and the number kept going up. Yellow was the first to notice red and she walked over to her.
"Hi," She said quietly so she didn't disturb the others, "I heard what happened. You ok?"
"Yeah just a few scratches."
Yellow shook her head.
"This is crazy. Blues book was right."
"Mhm... "
Red nodded and looked over at the TV as the news anchor came to view.
"Shh. I want to hear this."
Red stepped past yellow and walked over to the couch.
"Even though the number of deaths keeps going up, we promise we will get everything back to normal soon," The news anchor said, "If you have lost anyone in this horrible disaster feel free to call in. We will do all that is within our power to help you and your family. But in other news, since many of our nations leaders have died in these past horrible days, we have come to the decision that we should have 1 leader to care and protect us all. This man will be broadcasted live in just about 10 minutes with words of comfort for the hurt and words of wisdom for all. "
Mango took the remote and turned the volume down.
"We need to discuss something."
He looked directly at red and she suddenly felt nervous.
"Everyone take a seat."
As soon as everyone had been seated he began.
"Blue, I heard that you knew this was coming. How?"
Blue nervously fidgeted.
"Well, um, I was reading this book and it had everything that's happened to us so far and I just figured this might happen. I didn't really know but-"
"So you knew this from a book?"
Blue nodded.
"You wouldn't happen to have that book now, do you?"
Blue shook his head.
"Hmp. Well, since you failed at that, do you remember anything from the book? "
"Well, many more disasters. Like the next one I think is um... Hail that turns to blood."
Before red could stop herself she blurt out,
"No the next is a flood... Wait... Crap... "
She covered her mouth with her hand. Mango looked at her and narrowed his eyes.
"How do you know that?"
"I... Um... I... I read blues book! "
She lied. Mango stared at her for a moment more before nodding.
"How are you doing?"
He asked, changing the topic.
"I'm fine."
"What happened to your hands?"
TSC asked.
"They got cut."
"So... Are we gonna listen to the live broadcast of the new one-world ruler guy."
SC asked.
"That what it is, isn't it? One guys rules the whole world, it's a one-world rule."
"Hm. That makes sense... I guess."
"Yes we will watch that."
Mango said, nodding his head.
"But until then, we should eat. It's getting late and I have a feeling this man is going to being quite the yapper."
Blue and mango got up and went to the kitchen to cook. Red leaned back on the couch and closed her eyes. It had been a long and terrible day. She hoped this new ruler would bring peace to the devastation.
Her hand sent suddenly a shock up her arm and she flinched awake again. That had been different, she thought, it normally doesn't shock me. She looked at the bandages again and realize there was a faint glow underneath. She glanced up at the others and realize TSC was watching her. He got up and came over to her.
"Hey red, can we talk?"
Red said. They walked over to the hallway.
"How are you really doing? I couldn't help but notice the amount of times you've looked at your hands."
"Uhm... Well it's just that the cuts really hurt and sometimes they hurt more than other times."
TSC nodded.
"But I also want to know the truth. How did you know that next is a flood and blue didn't? Last time I checked, you never read books."
Red hesitated. She didn't want to tell him the truth. She didn't want to him to start worrying. Besides, she would then also have to tell him about the diamonds.
"I... I remembered what yellow had told me and I know she told me the incidents in order and I didn't want you guys to prepare for something that wasn't coming till later."
TSC said,
"I don't believe that's the whole truth. I know there's something more. You don't have to be scared to tell me, it's ok, I won't judge you."
That's what I'm afraid of, red thought, I don't want you to care and don't want the sympathy. She tapped her foot a little and then decided to change the subject:
"Who do you think the ruler will be?"
"Oh I don't know. Probably someone famous."
"I don't know. Who ever it is, they better be good. This world is changing and this leader better be ready to protect us from the coming disasters. "
"There you go again! You know what's going to happen, don't you? Come on, you have to tell me! "
Red almost shouted.
"No! I don't know and I'm. Not. Telling!... Oh I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it, I mean I didn't mean to yell."
TSC looked a little hurt.
"It's ok. I understand. But when something is going to happen you should tell us, that is, if you like us and want us to stay alive."
He turned around and left red.
"Wait! TSC! I'm... Sorry... "
She lead on to the wall and slid to the floor.
"Now you've done it. Now your best friend is mad at you."
She mumbled to herself.

Red eventually came back out to the living room after awhile. When she did come back out, blue and mango also walked in with the food. Once they had all finished the meal it was time for the live broadcast. Everyone got comfortable, mango picked up the remote, and turned on the TV. Everyone gasped. The man on the screen was TDL!

1224 words

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