3. Earthquake!

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TW: Contains blood and injury
Spelling errors

Red dashed out of her room and down the stairs as the shaking grew worse. Blue ran out from his room and followed right behind her. They both ran into the living room where yellow, TSC, and green had already gathered.
"Quick," Blue said, "We need to take shelter! Get under something!" Yellow and TSC both hid underneath the sofa and green dash under a table, blue ran under with him. Red ran toward the couch but she was just about to jump under when the ground opened up behind her. She twirled around and jumped out of the way right as the crack started to grow and spread toward her. Yellow and TSC got out from under the sofa just before it fell into the swirling mess of churned up ground. Red was still breathing heavily from the shocking vision she had had and her head had begun to throb. She ran towards the door and dash outside. She didn't get far before the road and pavement also cracked open into gigantic holes. Everyone had followed her out of the house and now they stood on the lawn staring out at the chaos. The sky suddenly became black as night and the moon turned red. People all around screamed. The ground near Red's foot slid out from underneath her. She backed up and tripped, hitting the torn up ground. She felt someone lower their hand to help her up, but when she grabbed their hand something seemed to change. She stood in a cold and misty room but the moon still shown down on her with its red glow. The air was hard to breathe because it was so cold. Red looked around in the darkness. Suddenly, diamonds filled the space near the red moon but only for a second before there was a loud boom and a flash of blinding red. Just then the ground under her feet fell out from under her. She found herself falling into a hole with gravel and dirt crushing her under its mess. Suddenly everything went numb and a loud ring sounded in her ears. A few minutes later she blacked out.

Red woke up later with the sun breaking through some of the cracks of the dirt and stones that had fallen down on top of her. She tried to move but was immediately struck with pain in her arm. She used her other hand and tried to dig out but there was too much rocks and dirt on top of her. She tried to scream for help but dust and dirt fell into her mouth and she started coughing. Up above the dirt she heard voices. It was TSC.

"Over here!' He led a crew of emergency workers to the spot where red had fallen into. "She's trapped under those rocks. You have to get her out!" The men got out ropes and shovels and began to dig red out. Within minutes they had removed all the rocks over top of her and shoveled away the dirt. "She's right here!" One of the men shouted to the others, "Help me get her out!" The men ran to his side and began getting dirt out and away from her. She sat up and coughed out dirt, gasping in clean air. TSC slid down to her and helped her up. They got back out of the hole. The emergency men moved to the next crushed house in search of other hurt people.
"Red!" TSC said, giving her a tight hug, "Are you ok?" Red looked down at herself and her hands and then looked back up at him. "It really happened..." Her voice was shaky and she was trembling. "What's wrong red?" TSC asked nervously.
"This is real... "
She shook her head, as if clearing her mind, "Sorry... Sorry I know I'm rambling. It's... it's just that yellow told me blue had been reading a book that predicted this would happen. Which means... everything else the book predicted... they're gonna come true... "
She was now staring at her one hand while the other hung loosely.
"Well let's not worry about that now. We need to get your cuts bandaged. Is your arm broken?" TSC asked. Red looked up again.
"Maybe. It hurts a lot. Where are the others?"
"They went to help anyone else who was hurt. Green went to check on purple."
SC put out his hand.
"Come on. Let's get you bandaged up."
Red looked at his hand and down at hers. The diamond cut on her hand was still there and was full of dirt but it wasn't bleeding. She hesitantly put her hand on his. She looked up at him and he smiled down at her.
"It's ok."
They walked off down the road to purple and mango's house. Many of the houses, including their own house, had turned to rubble. The roads were also torn apart and messed up, making it impossible to drive. But this was just the beginning, red thought, if my vision was real, there's worse things coming. She shuddered at the thought. Next disaster would be a horrible flood. But would they be prepared for it? Would she be better by then? Her hands began to feel weird again. Suddenly she realized. Everytime she knew that something bad was going to happen her hand would feel weird. She looked up at TSC again and he looked back down at her. She sighed and looked forward. She would be prepared. She had to be. She had to be able to protect her friends.

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