9. The Mark of The Beast

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TW: Violence, fighting, freezing
~Spelling errors

(•Reds POV•)

Red felt herself fading into complete darkness. She tried to remain conscious and tried to fight away the darkness. She found herself breaking through and suddenly she regained control of herself. TDL had untied her from the chair, unknowing that she had beaten his technology. She stood up and walked over to the door, pulling one of the gloves off. TDL turned to her and questioned her,
"Where are you going?"
She turned her head towards him.
"You thought you go break me?"
Her one eye had returned to normal and TDL knew she had somehow broke through the darkness.
He clenched his fist. He grabbed a sharp object and threw it at red. Red caught the object. She ran forward at him and punched him multiple times. He fell to the floor but hit a button on his dashboard. The room began to glow red and a siren went off. A guard ran into the room and saw red fighting dark. The guard ran over and pulled red away, but red swung him around and threw him back against TDL. Both went flying into the wall. Red took the chance and ran out of room. More guards were already coming so she had to run as quick as possible. She took a sharp turn to the right and opened a door to the basement. She quickly closed the door behind her and ran downstairs as quiet as possible. When she got to the bottom she tripped over a piece of cloth. She quickly got back up and looked down at the cloth. It was a bag. She picked it up and looked around. The basement was large and dark, boxes scattered all around. She walked over to a box and opened it. Inside was a a few USB hubs. She grabbed the box and dumbed everything in the bag. Maybe when, and if, she found her friends again, yellow could see what was on the USB's, red thought. She moved over to another box and looked inside. Inside the box was a whole bunch of gloves, a lot like the ones TDL had put on her hands. She pulled a pair out and threw it in the bag too. Just then she heard stomping upstairs from the guards. She quickly ran out of an exit and out into the woods.

Hours of running pasted and she finally ran out into an open field. She collapsed on the ground breathing fast. Her throat hurt from breathing in cold air and her head hurt extremely bad. She had begun to get dizzy and couldn't stand.
The moon rose in the sky and red drifted into a fitful sleep. She ended up going unconscious from the pain in her head and she had gotten very cold. She could only hope someone would find her before the cold night killed her.

When the sun became visible TSC got up and went outside. He walked out to the field and stared out at the other side of the woods. He walked over and suddenly noticed something at the edge. Something... Colorful. There were at least three shade of red and two green colors. He walked over and as he got closer he realized they were alive. He ran over and one of them jumped up and stood his ground.
"What do you want?!"
He snapped.
"I... Uh... Wait, red?!"
Red looked up at him but didn't speak, instead she just shivered and looked back at the ground. TSC pushed his way over to her and knelt next to her. He put his hand on her neck and checked her pulse. Her skin was freezing cold but she was still alive. He picked her up but the lime stick figure stepped in front of him.
"I asked you what you want?! What are you going to do with her?!"
"She's my friend. She was captured... By TDL, or Jay some call him."
"What are you going to do with her?"
"Get her warm for one thing, she's freezing cold!"
"Wait, where do you live?"
SC pointed over at the other side of the woods.
"Y'all can come with me. But let's hurry up, she could die!"
A little maroon colored one looked over at the lime one,
"Please Lime. It's so cold out here."
"We can't trust him! Just like how we couldn't trust V!"
TSC looked over at the others standing behind him. They where all small and shivered like crazy.
"No, you guys will come with me. I don't want you to die!"
Lime looked at the TSC with narrowed eyes but before he spoke the maroon girl stepped forward and came over to SC.
"I don't care what you say, lime! It's to cold out here and winters coming! Where going to freeze!"
"I'm going with Mauve!"
Another red girl stepped forward.
"Then I have to go to."
A green one followed the red one over to SC. Lime looked at TSC and back at his friends.
"F-fine! But if you do something bad I'm leaving!"
TSC thanked him and showed them the path to there house. Red had snuggled up against his chest but she still felt super cold.
  When they got inside mango was the only one in the kitchen.
"Uh hi. I found red, and some more friends..."
TSC took red over to the fire place and made sure she was comfy. When he walked back to the kitchen, mango had made hot chocolate for the new members.
"Ok, so what are all of your names?"
SC asked.
"I'm lime. The leader, if you couldn't tell."
The tallest one mumbled.
"And I'm Mauve! Thank you for the hot chocolate!"
The little maroon one said. Mango smiled and said,
"Your welcome."
"I'm um... Well my friends called me red, but you have a red already... So call me Scarlett."
"And I'm green."
A forest green stick figure said.
"Oh... Uhm we have a green... Go by any nickname?"
SC asked.
"Oh. Call me G then. It's not as creative as Scarlett but it works, right?" 
"Yes that works."
TSC nodded then walked over to mango.
"How is green?"
"Well, he slept in fits last night, coughing up blood and all that, but I'm haven't heard any more this morning."
TSC nodded.
"And you are ok with these four, right?"
"Well... It's a little much."
TSC nodded,
"I know but... We will need more members if we ever go up against TDL."
"That's if we go against him. I have a feeling that we can't hurt him."
"Last time someone had a feeling, they ended up half dead..."
TSC murmured. Suddenly, red walked in the room, with a blanket rapped around her.
She stammered. The kids turned to her and smiled. TSC ran over to her.
"You should be resting by the fire!"
"It's to hot."
"How do you feel?"
"Then go rest!"
"Not until I see the others. And how is Cheesy?"
Mango walked over.
"I'll go get them for you. You go back to the living room and take it easy, turn on yellows laptop and watch the news too. I want to know what's going on once I come back."
TSC escorted red to the couch, little mauve and lime followed. Red sat down and mauve and lime sat down beside her while SC got the laptop. He came back and pulled up the news. TDL was the first thing that popped up.
"We have just recently discovered that you shouldn't drink any water from your sink. Wormwood has poisoned our water sources. Only drink water from plastic water bottles. Also, my technology staff have created a new master piece. One that will connect us all and be able to save you from harm. This device will be able to protect you from sickness and will be able to help you track your heart rate, sleep, pulse, ect."
Red grimaced and got up off the couch and grabbed a cloth bag. Back on the video, TDL held up a pair of gloves, Red reached into her bag and pulled out a pair exactly the same.
"Once you put on this glove, which goes on your right hand, it will plant a chip in your hand. This chip will also be a form of identification for those who follow me and One-World Faith. These will be in stores by the end of the week."
TSC shut the laptop as mango entered the living room with the others, everyone except green. Red clenched the gloves in her hand and looked over at the others.
"Oh hi guys."
She dropped the gloves, but thats when SC noticed something. She had the exact gloves on her hand, but it was her left hand. He waited patiently as the others greeted red and the new company before asking red about. He then called red over and asked,
"Red, why do you have the glove on your hand?"
"It's all part of the reason why I have this one black eye. TDL tried, but he failed, to possess me. I broke free and now here I am. His guards are probably still looking for me, maybe we should leave here, they probably will find this spot."
"You need to get the glove off your hand!"
SC said, changing the subject.
"I can't!"
"TDL put something in the gloves, the minute you put them on, they like attach to your skin! I have no idea how I pulled the other off, but it's for the best. I hope."
Yellow picked up reds cloth bag and looked inside.
"You got USB ports and stuff from TDL?!"
Red turned to her.
"I can plug this into my laptop and know his plans!"
Yellow said excitedly.
"Let's get this started! And hope there's no viruses. Good job red!"
Red smiled and handed yellow her laptop then looked over at the kids.
"Y'all are going to have to deal with a lot of stuff if you stick with us. Things are only going to get far worse."

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