5.One-World Faith

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TW: Blood
Beware of spelling errors and miss types and stuff! But also, enjoy!!!

Everyone in the living room fell silent as TDL began his speech.

"Hello. My name is Ajayan, or Jay. It pains me to hear about all the horrible things that have happened. I promise to do my best to bring peace to the devastations that have happened lately. It is a very sad loss. I realize that many of you have lost loved ones and I promise I can help you to recover from the loss and make you strong again. This world will now become a place of freedom. We will begin a one-world religion called One-World Faith. Within this religion we will care for each other and end all harm. Let's welcome the leader of the religion."
The light grey hollow head, Victim, walked onto the stage.
"This is Vic. Why don't you tell us a little bit more about what this religion is and how it will help us?"
"Thanks Jay. This religion, the One-World Faith or OWF, will require you to do everything it says. This will include helping others and not being blinded by other religions. This religion will also provide you with everything you will need to rebuild your house. As we strive to make this world a better place we also strive to bring full peace, which will require you. All of you. Once we have more members we will get rid if all weapons across the world and will create a team of peacekeepers who will make sure nothing horrible happens and the world stays at peace.”
“Wow, that sounds wonderful. A better world than this world now? How wonderful. We should all want to be a part in this.”
TDL's, or Jay now, eyes seemed to be able to see all who watched him and seemed to take control of there thoughts. Red felt uneasy and looked away from his eyes.
"I will be coming to Stick City soon and all who have heard today's message, I insist you come. We will be discussing how we can rebuild this world for the better and many of my followers will be there to help those of you suffering from horrible loss. Again, please join us at Stick City tomorrow at noon."
TSC angrily grabbed the remote and turned the TV off.
"Who does he think he is?! And changing his identity too!?"
Mango got up and stretched. "That man is deceitful. But you saw how he looked at us and his eyes... I have a feeling we should go to the meeting at Stick City."
Everyone nodded. Reds squirmed in her seat and realized how numb her hands felt. She had a sudden bad feeling that TDL had something to do with the diamond cuts on her hands.
"Well, since y'all have no where to sleep anymore, we will prepare you some rooms."
Mango said, interrupting reds thoughts.
"I can sleep here in the living room." red offered.
"Me too." TSC said.
"Anyone else?" Mango asked.
"There's an extra bed in my room," Purple said, "Someone can sleep on it."
"Alright. And then two people can sleep in the guest room."
"Ok," Green siad,"I can sleep on the extra bed in purples room."
"And then blue and I can sleep in the guest room."
Yellow said, blue nodded in agreement.
"Sounds good. Purple, you go set up the bed for green and I'll show Blue and yellow to their rooms."
They all got up and walked down the hallway to their rooms. Red got up and stretched. She looked over at TSC and noticed how distracted he was.
"Hey, you ok? " She asked.
TSC looked over at her and sighed.
"I was just wondering why TDL is back."
He looked away again.
"Listen, Sec, I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier I just... I don't want to talk about it."
"I understand. Girl stuff."
"Girls and secrets, ya known."
"Let's change the topic. What do you think about TDL being the ruler now?"
Red went quiet for a moment.
"I... I think something horrible is coming. And he's going to be in charge of it."
She suddenly fell into a trance and didn't realize the words that came out of her mouth.
"He will die but then he will come back and be inhabited by the devil himself."
She shook her head suddenly realizing what she had said. She sat back down on the couch, her thoughts spun wildly.
"Woah... "
TSC ran over to her.
"You ok?! What was that all about?!"
Red put her hand on her head.
"I don't know... It was weird... It's like I went into a trance and... "
Suddenly the weird feeling came to her hands, and this time it was strong and painful. She gritted her teeth and looked down at her hand. Blood oozed out of the bandage. She gasped. TSC looked down at her hand.
"Red! Your hand!"
Red got up and ran to the bathroom. She pulled the bandage off and put her hand under the faucet. The water washed away the blood and she rapped another bandage around it. TSC stood at the doorway and watched her.
"What happened?"
"I don't know. It does this. It just randomly breaks open and bleeds. I don't know why."
Red said anxiously,"But forget about it. It'll go away, eventually."
TSC stared at her.
"Just... Be easy on it. We don't want it happening again. But you have a lot of explaining to do. I want to know what you ment by TDL will be taken over by the devil."
"I don't know! I told you, I went into a trance. I had no idea what I was saying."
"Um... Your not... You know..."
"No! Don't even bring that up! I'm not possessed! I'm not!"
Red shook her head.
"Sorry! It's just, that's not normal... To do that."
"I know! I know! I'm a weird psychopath and I get possessed easy because I'm weak! I know! "
"Red! Your not weak and your not weird nor a psychopath! Your brave and strong, far more strong than I could ever be."
Red looked at him.
"Forget it."
She said dryly and walked past him back to the living room. Mango came in later with blankets and pillows for TSC and red.
"Don't stay up to long. Who knows what will happen tomorrow."
Red took her stuff and set up her bed on the couch. She snuggled into her blankets and almost immediately fell asleep. And, surprisingly, her sleep was not disturbed by nightmares or pain. When she woke up the next day, she felt better. But she knew things were only getting worse. And she knew she would be a big part in the awful things to come. Everytime she looked at herself in the mirror, she knew, something was going to go wrong. TDL had a plan, and she had a feeling the diamond cuts were a part of it.

Happy late birthday to Popsickl!!!

1184 words

(Ajayan, TDL's new name, means Immortal, Enduring Fame. The CG will still call him TDL, because that's who he really is, but he and other who, spoiler, follow him call him Jay.)

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