Chapter 21

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3rd Person P.O.V.:

Just as Vivian was about to approach Sofia, the birthday cake came out. Everyone started cheering and started singing Happy Birthday to the girls. Queen Miranda and Cecily pushed the girls into the centre. Everyone else followed suit and circled the birthday girls, clapping as they sang. Well, more like screaming than singing, particularly King Roland, Desmond and James.

The girls blew the candles out. Sofia couldn't resist spreading some cream on Vivians nose, causing laughter to erupt when Vivian did the same back, only worse.

The party was now slowing down. Tea and cake had been handed out, and some guests had made their final wishes to the girls, saying their goodbyes.

Vivian took a breath, trying to articulate the conversation she couldn't run from. She prepared plenty of responses, and made sure to think of all possible outcomes and reactions. After making sure that Sofia was okay from the hot skillet, she asked to talk to her in private.

"Hey, Sofia, can we, um, talk?" Asked Vivian, twiddling with the rim of her cup.

"Yes, of course Vivian, what's up?" Sofia questioned, confused and concerned.

The girls made their way to Vivian's music room. They sat down, making themselves comfortable. Sofia waited for her patiently. Vivian took a sip from her tea before starting.

"So, um, please do not panic, I honestly don't understand what is going on myself."

"Okay...," Sofia replied hesitantly.

Vivian took a deep breath before starting, "Okay, so basically, I have these plants in my room and I don't know why but they like, I don't know, like make me have these nightmares and each time all I've seen is Hugo and its really scary, like tonight how you almost got hit by that skillet, I saw it happen in my sleep, but he was supposed to lose himself, but he didn't and I don't know, and in another one, he's just completely lost it, like killing without a single thought behind those eyes, and I don't know why I keep seeing these, what if I'm just overthinking?!"

Vivian took another big breath, one of relief, there, she said it, it was now all out there.

She couldn't look up, so she stared blankly into her tea. Finally, after a few minutes of silence she looked up, unsure as to whether she wanted to really see Sofia's reaction.

But nothing, her face was monotone, which in her opinion is worse.

"Well, that's a lot to intake," Sofia reacted.

Vivian just nodded.

"Okay, so what are you trying to say, that these plants show you the future?"

"I don't know, because the vision that played out tonight was different from what happened in the vision. Hugo was supposed to punish the servant, but he didn't. I was talking to James and he said that maybe it's just showing me the worst possible scenario," Vivian rambled.

"Okay...," Sofia acknowledged, still trying to make sense of what she was being told.

"But the reason I'm telling you this is because of the other vision I was shown, Sofia, that vision was way too real, it was different from the one that happened tonight. Hugo, his eyes, they held nothing, but he-he sat upon a pile of corpses, like he had lost his will to live...," Vivian mumbled.

"I'm just, I guess paranoid that it may come true...," Vivian continued, biting her lip.

"Well, I mean, I don't know, I'm glad you told me this though, we never know what could happen," Sofia stated.

Sofia x Hugo The Arranged MarriageWhere stories live. Discover now