Chapter 7

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A/N omgs my pumpkins I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo so so so sorry for not updating, okay so I'm in yr 11 right so like I've been choking on preparing for exams and assignments and my midterms (I think) because (here in Australia) my HSC(high school certificate) and ATAR depends on this (a mark that allows me to go university) so I've been busy trying to save my ass. And like every time I decided to finish and update a new piece of homework/assessment would come in due the next day or so, I'm so so so sorry again i hope you can understand, and thank you for reminding me to update i love how people love my work thank you so much pumpkins for being understanding and thank you for staying by my side. I know you will understand me, so wait for me, (P.S. thx for reading this big ass paragraph)
Now onto the story.

3rd person P.O.V:

It was the second day and today the children would be doing business, they will be discussing trades between the kingdoms, for what their kingdoms needed the most, so they woke up and got dressed 'appropriately'. Vivian wore a more poofy pink dress that split in the middle to a lighter pink material with designs on it, Sofia wore a thinner purple dress with blue, and Hugo wore a dark blue regiment tunic with a royal cloak hung from his shoulders held up by gold. They made their way to their royal conference room. Sofia, Vivian and Hugo sat down in their chairs on their respective side of the shifting table, right now it was a rectangle.

Not too long of sitting in silence, their 'stewart' announced the arrival of the protective kingdom, they stood, faced each other and bowed before they also took their spots on the shifting table, as it rearranged itself into a square table. About five minutes later did their stewart declare the appearance of the extravagant kingdom, everyone stood and bowed to the centre, bowing to each other. The shifting table rearranged itself for the last time, into a triangle, and everyone took their places.

"The conference shall now take place," professed the stewart, he bowed down and closed the door behind him.

They all looked at each other and let out a small laugh, quickly fixing their attitude they began their bargaining. Talking about all the trade needed for each kingdom, an hour had passed where they decided to take a quick breath of fresh air. They walked out into the pavilion where a small layout had been set up, silver berry juice and cheese crackers. The girls giggles filled the skies, while the chatter of the boys swirled around the clouds. Once again however they were back in the room where another hour had passed before the final decision had been made. The blue kingdom had the majority of the crop goods, 40% would stay in the kingdom while the other 60% would split between the two kingdoms. The Extravagant kingdom supplied materials like blankets and clothes, so 48% would stay while the rest 62% was split between the other kingdoms and lastly military equipment was 50% to stay in the Protective kingdom and then 25% for the other two kingdoms.

They ended the meeting there, giving in the recording to be sent to the fairies while Sofia, Vivian and Hugo, walked the others out, watching them leave their gates.

"Uh, I thought we would never finish, '' chided Sofia, as she stretched her arms above her head, a small yawn escaping her now pale lips.

"I hate to break it to you Sofia but today we're also going to visit the village to check and make sure everything is in law and order," Hugo reminded, unclasping his cloak and dragging it to his room to change into more comfortable clothing.

"Well at least we'll be moving," Sofia added, following the footsteps of Hugo and changing.

Hugo put on a pair of black trousers, and a navy steampunk inspired button up jacket, Sofia and Vivian went ahead and dressed in more simpler clothing as well, with sun hats to match.

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