Chapter 6

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3rd person P.O.V:
They stopped at the moat. They hopped out they could see their luggage already waiting on the other side. The castle looked exactly how there little model looked like.

"Uhh, where's the drawbridge?" Hugo questioned, while helping Sofia out, then proceeding to help Vivian.

Sofia giggled, going to the dolphins at front, before turning around and answering ,"we don't have a drawbridge because we said that we would ride the dolphins, remember?"

"What when did we say that?!" Hugo fretted, almost forgetting that Vivian was using him to keep her balance while getting out of the carriage.

"Ohh right, we agreed on it during lunch before, you weren't there, we must've forgotten to tell you, sorry Hugo," Vivian apologised, gaining her balance before fully getting off the carriage.

"Well what are we waiting for, come on don't you want to see what it looks like from the inside," Sofia called, already getting ready to hop on one of the dolphins.

The others followed her footsteps also meeting with a dolphin, ready to cross to the other side, Hugo got on a deep blue dolphin, while Sofia got on a purple one and Vivian got a baby pink dolphin. It was a very quick ride from one side to the other they got off, thanking the dolphins before proceeding with exploring. The doors opened on their own, enchanted to do so, they entered and were lead to a set of two stair cases.

The entrance was decorated with lavish antiques. The floor had been carpeted in a maroon, while the walls where a navy blue, and the furniture a purple, patterns covered the walls and furniture. The decorations, like cloths, that were scattered on the tables and coaches held the crest that they had created not to long ago, there was even a huge one atop of the stair case. They climbed up the marbled stairs and cling to the gold railing, their luggage somehow following them, they marvelled at their surroundings heads circulating like owls. They reached the first floor two windows at the very end signifying that that's where the corridors ended there were 6 doors on each side, since it was not a real castle it had only two floors.

They walked down the left hallway, and saw their names printed on their doors. Hugo's was the last one at the end while Sofia's was in front of his and Vivian's next to hers. They entered and left their stuff near the door, each room had a bookshelf with a desk, the girls had a mirror table with a some jewellery in the draws while Hugo had just a mirror. They had a closet on their right side, a little sitting area with an indoor chair swing or a bubble seat. Hugo was the first one to exit his room, Vivian a few minutes after with Sofia as the last one, only seconds after Vivian.

They were walking down the corridor when a loud voice startled them. "Dear campers, haha, well royal prep, you have 20 minutes to explore your castle then you must come back to mass hall for further information on the rest of the days you will be here." Said a female voice which they realised to be Andi's. And so they did just that. They entered the room next door to Hugo's but it was only a storage room, they continued on, the room next to Vivian's was an indoor swimming pool with a swing hanging from the ceiling in the middle of the pool, a few sun chairs directly under the windows shining on the pool and chairs.They opened the door on the opposite end and instantly were lifted off their feet.

"Whoa," cried Hugo, his body was upside down and he was flaying his arms around trying to get back upright. Vivian shrieked, half from panicking half from the excitement, Sofia on the other hand was cool and collected. "Why is there a room with no gravity?" Vivian questioned, trying to find a way down, Sofia crossed her hand in thought before realisation hit her "well, we did put it in our song, in our castle we would float, which we are and the dolphins in the moat, there are definitely dolphins, we'd paint all the towers blue, they are, with a few hints of purple, see?"

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