Gracie. June 12th

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I have no idea what I'm about to do. I was barely able to convince my parents to let me hangout with Cassidy. since the pandemic started my family had been pretty strict about hanging out, outside of our "Covid bubble". It's stupid I know, we can only hangout with my aunts family everyone else we have to see outside socially distanced. I'm not even allowed to have Audrey over! AUDREY! MY BEST FRIEND! We've gone to the park of course but at this point it's boring. But after a lot of begging my parents said yes to seeing Cassidy, it was outside anyway I don't get why it's such a big deal.
I put on jeans, a black Phoebe Bridgers shirt and my blue converse and was on my way. It was a fast walk from our hotel, faster than I had expected. But I guess Cassidy had the same idea because as I was crossing the street I saw her hopping out of a cab waving at me.
"Hey! Oh my gosh it's so nice to actually meet you in whatever sick a twisted version of in person this is" Cassidy joked. But it wasn't even a joke at this point, I guess we were both going stir crazy
"Hi, yea, it's so nice to see someone other than the people I live with" I laughed, it was a bit awkward but why wouldn't it have been we had just met.
She smiled and went on to ask "want to grab a coffee? On me"
I smiled and nodded in agreement as she led us to the shop then to her favorite spot in the park.
"I love your songs by the way" Cassidy had said, out of nowhere and even though I barely know her I could tell it was sincere.
"Thank you, really I appreciate it. I have an Ep coming out soon—"
"Minor! I know! I'm so exited" She's exclaimed with a smile
"Truthfully im so nervous." I replied hesitantly
"No way! Your songs all are amazing and I just know the Ep will be too. My mom always gets nervous before a release, I think that's just part of it." She explained, I knew she was right but I was to distracted by the fact she just mentioned Taylor Swift, making a mental note to come back to that I replied.
"Yeah I figured, I just don't know, im just such an anxious person...I don't know" I trailed off not wanting to start dumping on a girl I've hardly met
She replied "No tell me, I don't mind"
"I just I don't want everyone to hate it, or hate me. And it just feels so vulnerable. I feel like I'm putting myself up for display and everyone's going to turn their back. I know it's stupid." I said, I almost thought I whispered it.
"I'm sorry, I really with I could give you a hug" she laughed "I promise people will love it, how could anyone hate you, I've known you for like an hour and you like the sweetest person I know"
I smiled knowing she was right, people will like it. I also smiled at the compliment. "Thank you" was all I was able to get out. She hummed in response. "Do you sing?" I blurted
"Uhm I guess, I don't know for like family and stuff" she replied hesitantly knowing what my next question was.
"Will you sing for me?"
"Umm I don't know, not here. Maybe another time. I really wish you could come to our apartment, then I would"
"I doubt my parents would go for that, but I could hangout again. I don't leave until the end of next week" I replied so deeply wanting to go to her apartment
"Let do this again then! I should probably be getting home soon though." She responded
I nodded sanding up with her awkwardly replying "Ok well I'll text you, or you text me, either way!"
She smiled "you're really cute! I'll text you for sure!" She said waving down a cab
I blushed "thanks, you're really pretty!"
She smiled getting in the taxi "see you"
I walked home happy, happier than usual.

Authors note:
I have no idea if anyone's actually enjoying this 😭

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