Gracie. Sept 3

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My birthdays in four days and I'm obviously so exited about that but what's making me even more exited is that Cassidy came all the way from New York.
I wake up this morning with my head on Cassidy's shoulder. I quickly sit up embarrassed. "How long have you been up?" I ask Cassidy who's sitting up on her phone
"Oh I don't know a little while" she responds
I cross my legs sitting next to her "wait sorry" I say moving a chunk of her hair that was messing up her middle part "there" I say. Her cheeks blush while she puts her hair behind her ears it was really cute. "Abby and Audrey want to get lunch with us today? Only if your up for it" I say
"That sounds fun! What about your other friends umm... Diana and charlotte?" She asks
"Oh they're busy today but they're comping for my birthday" i explain
"Are you doing a party?"
"No I was thinking we could all just meet up at the house and either hangout in the backyard or go to the beach"
She nods getting out of bed and asks "mind if I shower?"
"No please I'll go after you" I agree
She goes to shower I sit in bed a while longer. Cassidy comes back wrapped in a towel with wet hair. I try to keep my eyes on my phone before she asks "do you have a blow dryer?"
"Oh yeah I'll be right back" I get up head to the bathroom when I get back I realize I forgot to knock, she was mostly dressed except she didn't have a shirt. Her was in just shorts and a bra. "Shit sorry" I say
"Oh it's fine I don't care" she says putting on a tank top "thanks for the blow dryer"
I go off to shower on my own as well as my skincare. When I get back to my room to get dressed and do my makeup Cassidy has her hair clipped half up half doing drying the bottom layers. Once I'm dressed I sit down with my makeup bad infront of my mirror. "Do you want your vanity?" She asks
"Oh no it's fine" I say putting on a tinted sunscreen. I finish my makeup Cassidy's moved to the second layer of her hair "do you want my to do it?" I ask
"Sure" she says handing me the brush and dryer. I finish her hair while she does her makeup. We head downstairs to grab a small breakfast before putting on our shoes and heading out killing time before lunch. We drove into town trying to find places that's didn't close down because of the pandemic. We found a toy store which seemed like the only open place fore blocks so we went inside. The store had the back wall was lined with stuffed animals, Cassidy went straight there. I however got hung up with looking at Lego flowers choosing a set to purchase. I went to checkout but found Cassidy already there putting something into a bag. "What'd you get" I ask
"It's a surprise" she replies shrugging her shoulders. "Those are cute though" she says referring to the legos.
"Yea I thought we could build them later" I say tapping my card before leaving.
We get in the car and Cassidy hands me her bag. "For you" she says
"Oh my god Cass!" I say pulling out a weenie dog jelly cat "it's Weenie! Thank you" I say hugging her over the arm rest in the car
She laughs at my excitement "I thought it looked just like him" she shrugged
I thank her again before driving us to lunch. I learned that Cass hates driving she says that since she grew up in the city and because of the pandemic she barely ever needs to drive. She got her license a couple years ago but she apparently hasn't really driven since she got it. The idea seems to foreign to me. Sure it makes since in New York the traffics crazy and parking an impossible why would she drive, she could get a taxi or she can take the subway not to mention her mom probably has drivers. We arrive to the restaurant, it's a little cafe with a garden with outside seating. Abby was already there sitting on her phone with a coffee in hand. "Abby!" I say making her look up from her phone.
"Gracie!" She says standing up to hug me.
I hug her back "and this is Cass" I say introducing Cassidy
"Hi!" Cassidy says waving
"I'm Abby! Gracie hasn't shut up about you"
Cassidy laughs at that "i keep hearing that"
"I don't talk about you that much" I say covering my face.
Thankfully in that moment Audrey arrives "heys guys!" She says sitting down. "You must be Cassidy"
"Yeah and your Audrey?"
"Yes nice to meet you"
Once Cassidy got acquainted with them the conversation flowed like usual. Eventually Cassidy goes to the bathroom and Abby and Audrey jump at the opportunity.
"Come on you totally like her" Abby says
"Real oh my god Gracie you kept touching her arm and staring at her" Audrey agrees
I blush "Guys shut up there's no way she likes me"
"So you do like her?!" Audrey says
"Well..." I shrug
"Oh my god she likes her!" Abby exclaimed
I see Cass coming back from the bathroom. "Shut up she's coming back"
The food arrives as she sits down Abby and Audrey exchange glances that don't go unnoticed by me and probably didn't go unnoticed by Cassidy. It was awkward but I don't think Cassidy really was paying attention.
We finish our food and part ways Cassidy and I get back in the car, it's still pretty early in the day. I drive us home. We get back home and we head up to my room and I turn on Gilmore girls. Cassidy gives me a puzzling look.
"You watched twilight for me so it's my turn to watch Gilmore girl" I explained
She smiled "Yay!" She says sitting down in my bed next to me
We get comfortable, we get a few snacks and watch the first episode, then the second and then the third until we get called down for dinner. We eat as fast as we can to go watch more, I have to give it to her it's a good show. Eventually we've been watching for a while and Cassidy falls asleep, I guess she falls asleep pretty easily. Anyway I finish the episode and go to bed myself.

Authors note:
I went back and edited all the other chapters so hopefully everything makes since now
I've been updating a lot this weekend idk if that'll still happen once the week starts
Also should I make a chapter for every day on Cassidy's trip or skip ahead a bit?
Love ya

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