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Osamu Dazai's POV



its something so fragile yet something i'm willing to throw it away.

"DAZAIIIII" my oh so lovely co-worker yells at me. how rude.

"Dazai, please, at this point i'm begging you, you are apart of an amazing oraganization yet you do nothing to be fully apart of it."he says in a nonchalant voice.

I mumble something back

"excuse me?"Kunikida asks

"your excused!" I say happily back

I hear a quiet laugh from Atsushi, my other co-worker. Kunikida immediately goes to him and starts lecturing him telling him that he should not support my behavior. I put on my headphones, not listening to music or anything but to news. after hearing it for about a few moments I get up and leave. "Dazai..You know what, just leave for god's sake." kunikida says rubbing his nose.

"huh? how would god benefit from Dazai leaving though?' Kenji says his head popping from a door. Kyouka, suddenley appearing says"kunikida benefits from are you saying your god kunikida?Damn " she says, I think genuinely.

I sigh, smile and leave Kunikida to it.

But theres something bothering me. I know for a fact that someone stole money from the PM(Port mafia) and they got it back,but there hasn't been any news about them planning an attack to kill the guy yet, that definitely isn't their style.,isnt my problem.

Nakahara Chuuya's POV

A small young girl, a girl and boy, twin looking like 13 year olds, a 16 year old girl and an 18 year old boy.

"How the hell did my stomach manage that."

Tachihara,who heard about the news, stood beside me and nervously said" I suppose they grew after they came out?". Higuchi appears saying "soooo, how'd they come out anyway?". Gin immediately put her hand above Higuchi's mouth sensing that I was getting annoyed.

Kouyo ushered them out while my children stood staring at all of us. Kouyo then closed the door leaving them alone with me. "are you our father?" the little girl says, as if she's demanding me for an answer. "well yeah I guess so". but I think I might be the mother?

I stared at them and they did the same. wow to think about it, they lost most of their years because of "speed growing" or whatever Mori called it. We cant find the guy either who caused this which is annoying. "Are you gonna feed us or wut?" the twin girl said crossing her arms.

"Ah, yes of course dear..uh-umm-" .

 " Im Aiko, 

she's Taeyang *pointing to the little girl*

 he's Daiki *pointing to her twin brother* 

and she's Akira *pointing to her elder sister* 

and he's Haru *pointing at the eldest*." 

Damn they named themselves?

I smile and say" Would you like to come home?"

I wasn't expecting them to say what they said next.

"wuts a home?". I try and not show my shock and reply "its where i'll take care of you and keep you safe."

I lead them outside to a car and tell the driver to take them home. "They dont know what I work as right?" I ask. "To need to worry , they have no idea" Kouyo replies.

"So are you going to tell us who you think the father is?"

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