Chapter : 28

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Haru's POV:

My mind wasn't working.

I felt my fists clench.

Theres no way..Rikus father is him right?

Please no. This can't be happening.

He narrowed his eyes at me, "Hey-"

Then my worst fears came true,"Hey dad-HEYYY Haru! Come in!" Riku exclaimed.

"What?" His dad gave a confused look.Riku sighed annoyingly, "I told you my friend was coming over for dinner with his family!"

I felt dazed, did this guy not even remember me? Was killing kids so normal for him?!

"Are you coming in?"I heard Riku ask worriedly."I thought your family was coming over?" I snapped out of it.

"Ah- yes sorry." It suddenly hit me that I had to tell Riku about my parents knowing."Is it alright if-"

There was a loud yell followed by crying.An extremely young looking woman appeared worried, is Riku hadn't said anything,I would've mistook her for his sister. "Mom!This is Haru!"

"Hello dear, I'm Rikus mom, call me Haruki, and nothing else!"she said cheerfully, she may look young, but her voice sounded like she had to go a long way to be where she is now.

"Its nice to meet you."I said offering a smile.

"Where is your family by the way?"Haruki asked.

"Oh their outside, Taeyang was fast asleep, she might be annoyed that she has to wake up."

Riku laughed a bit, he knew pretty much everything about my siblings, since he forced me to talk about it,but obviously I hadn't told him about Aiko and Daiki.

I led my eyes to get a better look at Riku's father.He looked much older than his wife. He looked quite soft and nonchalant,but that moment was stuck in my mind forever, there was no way I was gonna see him in any other way.

I could kill him.

Oh shit I couldn't.

I felt my heart beat going fast as Riku laughed with his mother talking about my siblings, as his father scoffed and went into the kitchen.

If I kill could change Rikus life. Riku would see me in a different way if he found out.

But maybe Riku wouldn't find out...Akira may be an asshole, but shes a damn smart one, must've got that from Dazai.

Just as I thought that, Dazai came from behind, "Dazai here! Sorry for coming in late, Im his father!" He said addressing Haruki.

He stood in front of me , giving way for everyone else to come in. "No problem! Im Rikus mom, please do call me Haruki."

"Aha, you the famous Riku I'v been hearing about."I felt myself get embarrassed, and looked up to see Rikus face flushed.It was cute.

Father came in ,looking worn out from calming down Taeyang. "Hello, sorry for coming late, Im Harus father..well um just call me Chuuya."

Haruki blinked a few times before she understood that I had two fathers, "Oh what a lovely family, aren't you an adorable little one!"she said smiling at Taeyang.

Taeyang seemed not too amused by the compliment, "Im not 'little one', Im Taeyang!"

Father tugged at her arm and whispered ,"Behave yourself", though we all heard it.

Akira appeared,hauling bags , "Ahhh-oops" she said tripping over the handle of a bag."Oh, why is all that needed..?" Haruki said confused. "Papa is always worried about me, but Im fine, you should tell him to stop."Taeyang said.

"Shush Tae-Tae." Father whispered again.

"Lets all start dinner shall we?" Haruki said, completely changing the conversation. 

I needed to quickly warn them about Riku's father.

They all followed Haruki into the dinning room, I tried stopping them but Riku came infront, "...Hey..Its kinda funny seeing you in such casual clothes, its cute too!" He said with a slight tint of red overcoming his cheeks.

I smiled, he was just adorable. He giggled and grabbed my arm to the dinning room, by the time I reached, everyone had sat down.

I couldn't see his father.

Riku sat down, and I sat next to him looking down at the food that Haruki was serving me. "Thank you" I said quietly.

"I hope you enjoy it! Oh I do wonder where my husband is! He'll come soon don't worry!"

Father waved it off and told her it'd be fine. Dazai joked around as Riku full-heartedly laughed at his jokes.

I just kept tapping my fork on the table.

Then in came Rikus father, it seemed sudden, and startled me a bit.

I wanted to keep my face down, but looked up to see if I was the only one who recognized him.

I wasn't.

Akira stopped. It seemed like even her breathing stop. After the sudden shock, her face turned angry. She was literally shaking with anger but kept it in.

Dazai looked as if nothing had happened. Fathers eyes widened but quickly calmed it, sensing Dazai's instructions not to do anything.

Taeyang though, screamed, She jumped,knocking the plate of food all over her. She would've fallen down if father hadn't caught her last minute.

Tears rolled down her cheek as she tried mumbling something. Father sat beside her trying to calm her down, but it wasn't working.

Haruki was well frightened by Taeyang ear-splitting scream, she got up at an instant.

Rikus father was proper confused, "Whats going on here?"

"D-dear! Get some tissues for Taeyang here! Shes dropped food all over her!"

He retreated back to get some tissues,and came back.

But made a horrible mistake.

Instead of giving it to his wife, he bent down himself and tried giving it to Taeyang, She was horrified, she grabbed the plate that had fallen and threw it at his face. 

There was a lot of screaming as blood dripped from his nose as he sat down slowly groaning in pain.

Riku stared in horror.Taeyang still breathed heavily as Father whispered to Dazai to get our things, I felt deeply upset, this was not how this was supposed to go.

Haruki left and got more tissues as she wiped her husbands nose as softly as she could. There was a horrible and awkward silence.

Taeyang calmed down, she looked scared and sad."Im sorry miss Haruki, I didn't mean to do that.."

"Riku dear,  please lead them to the front door, Taeyang needs some rest, we all do."She said in a soft voice.

She looked up at Taeyang and smiled a bit, "Take care of yourself dear, its no issue."

Taeyang smiled back, "Kys!" she waved at Haruki as father dragged her away clearly annoyed.

Haruki weakly smiled at her.

 Riku got up and walked past me and opened the door without giving me a glance.As everyone else left,I was the last one so I tried talking to Riku, "Liste-"

"We'll talk at school,not now."He said quietly.

I left his house and got into the car, the rest of the ride was dead silent.

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