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Rayah and her mother were back home very late. She was too tired so she didn't even bother having dinner and fell asleep.

Next morning she woke up pretty late and after freshening up she went down to the kitchen and decided on satisfying her stomach first.

"Ummi ?" She calls out to her mother but no one replies. There was a small note on the table.

She picks it up and reads it.

You were very tired so I couldn't wake you up. I'll come back in the evening. Make yourself something to eat and stay safe.

Love, Ummi

"So it's just me again." Rayah murmurs to herself. She grabs an apple from the basket and starts eating it. " I'll make lunch after a while, it's anyways past breakfast time." She talks to herself again.

She goes outside, eating her apple and places some hay in front of Qamar.

"Your lunch." She smiles. "I'll have mine too in a while then we'll go for our daily walk in the hills." He neighs happily at her.

She suddenly looks at Qamar wide eyed.

"Ya Rabbi !!" Seeing her panick, poor Qamar gets startled too.

Her expressions suddenly turn shy.

"Khalid." She whispers.

"I can't believe that I totally forgot about him. God knows what he must have thought of me. Will he come today ?"

She paces in the garden, back and forth.

" I did tell him that I go there everyday but I also mentioned that sometimes I don't. So it shouldn't be a problem but then I had promised him that I would meet him. " She scratches her head.

"Ya Rabbi what should I do ?" She thinks. " Should I stay at home ? No no I can't that will be very rude. "

She thinks and thinks while Qamar keeps glancing at her with empathy.

"Yes ! That would be perfect ! " Rayah jumps in excitement. " I'll make him soem Halva ( Arabic dessert ) and I'll simply apologise."

With that she runs back inside and begins cooking. She keeps running around in the kitchen fetching the required ingredients from the cupboards and stirring them in the pot.

She pours in the milk, adds the semolina, the sugar,the cardamom and stirs and stirs.

She scoops out the halva in a small, clean box and garnishes the top with chopped nuts.

"All done." Rayah smiles proudly. " Now I'll go and change."

After she's ready, she walks with the box in hand and unties Qamar's rope and he walks beside her.

She's dresses simply, like she's always been dressing. A beige full sleeved gown and Taiba's gift, the scarf, adorns her head. It's a greyish white scarf with red and black floral embroidery borderings.

After a while she reaches.

And he's already there, roaming near her favourite tree and he appears to be looking for someone.

Rayah hesitates in approaching him.

Qamar gently nudges her shoulder with his head to walk forward. Poor horse wants his daily grazing time.

With her heart pounding loudly inside her ribs she walks towards him.

She lets Qamar free and walks around as well and finds a good spot for himself and settles there to graze.

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