Chapter 111 - He Should Not Lose Hope

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Tim glanced at his back. His eyes widened to see the beautiful woman smiling at him.

"It is you, Tim!"

"Nancy Su!" Tim was surprised to see her. He never imagined that a day would come, and he will meet Nancy again.

"What are you doing here?" Nancy asked him.

"I... My company is a contractor here in Dream City." Tim answered. "How about you?

Even though it was apparent to him what Nancy has been wearing, he has no other question in mind to prolong the conversation. He wanted to know if Nancy was living in one of the apartments here.

"Well, I am the supervisor of this supermarket. I was doing my rounds when I noticed you. I can't believe it! What a small world!"

"Yeah. Indeed, a small world! But your family goes back to Hong Kong. Why are you here?"

"Well, yeah. Fortunately, my family migrated to Australia, and I finished college here. Then, Dream City was hiring an experienced manager. I tried my luck and had been accepted. I resigned from the fast-food I work. Besides, salaries are more decent here than my previous jobs."

"That's great then! Anyway, we've just arrived today, and our apartment was empty. So, I'm doing some shopping. What a fate to meet you here..."

"I agree! I never thought I would meet you here. Then! Allow me to help you. What else do you need?" asked Nancy, scanning the items in his cart.

Tim replied, "I need some of this bottled water and then fresh fruits and vegetables."

"Nice. I'm happy to see that you were taking care of yourself."

"Ah. It's for my boss."

"Oh... What a great assistant you are."

Tim waves his hand, blushing. "Nah. I was asked to watch his diet, so I'm buying fruits and vegetables."

"Ah. That must be your boss' wife?" Nancy guessed. She watches Tim nodded, then she remembered something. "Oh. Don't tell me that you are working at Shen's like your father?"

Tim smiled. "Yes, I am."

"I knew it! Your father is one of their engineers."

Tim's eyes gleamed. It made him happy that Nancy still remembers his family. "I'm glad to know that you didn't forget us."

Nancy blushed. She bites her lower lip upon realizing that she was transparent to Tim. "I... Of course, I remembered! Why would I forget you? We have been neighbors for so many years."

Tim could see how Nancy would avert her gaze to avoid his. And the way her cheeks flush, he didn't need to rack his head to determine her facial expression.

With the help of Nancy, Tim finished shopping quickly. He followed the girl toward an empty cash register. It surprised him when Nancy sat on the stop, opened the computer, and p his items.

"So, you are not only a supervisor?"

"Well, I helped pack during busy hours, and that was mainly in the evening."

"I see. So... Are you also stating here?"

"Yup! I was staying at Apartment 3. It was an all-female apartment."

"Ah. That's great! Davies Group surely made strict rules to their employees."

"Yes, they are."

Tim watched Nancy punch his groceries and then packed. He handed the debit card to Nancy, and the girl handed it back to him after the transaction was approved.

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