Chapter 2 - Italy

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But what would guys like them be doing at a place like this.

What do they even want at a funeral. Could Tony have been involved with them. If that's the case that could explain a hell lot.

"Somebody tear me up" mumbled Irvine who stood beside me and I am so confident  he was undressing each and everyone one of the naked with his eyes.

"Oh  my devil , its like they feel  from the world of Greek gods." He said still looking directly at them with zero to  no shame at all.

"FYI Greek gods are know to gave small dicks" I said to him and he rolled his eyes.

"You and your sources there's no such thing. And the evidence is right in front of you" he said while pointing to them

What the hell !

Why would he do something as stupid as that. He's  pointing to people who could kill us in seconds  and still get away with it.

"Irvine  Mccarthy  I refuse to die just after I've talked shit about a dead person " i  scolded  him

"If I am dying I'd rather die of pleasure and that's it" he said.

"I will kill you myself " I mumbled before looking at the group of men who surprisingly were now looking at us.

"Your finger has definetly gotten us in trouble." I said to him but he looked like he'd explode with happiness when they started walking towards us.

What do they want. They definetly  don't work for Herman that's for sure. He wouldn't be able to afford them away so what is their deal?

"Victoria Sams " said the guy who stood next to the one who looked like the leader.

"Yes "

"You're coming with us. We leave for Italy  in the next five hours. Its  imperative  that we take you with us."

"Yeah , I'm good thanks for asking. How is your life?" I said with a wide fake smile " How the fuck do you know me?" I asked with a serious tone.

"You will watch your language." The guy in the middle finally spoke up.

"And I'm sure you wouldn't mind having good manners then" I replied to him.

"Ms Sams I am not here to argue with you. None of us here are."

" Then what are you doing all they way from Italy. Wanna play pretend with me ?" I asked and he looked at me displeased  but I didn't miss the slight smirk that appeared on his face.

"Now , will you walk to the car alone or do you expect to me to carry you ?" He asked.

I scoffed and folded my hands across my chest. "I get air sick" I quickly said.

"Then we'll  go by ship"

"I get seasick too"

"There's always by road."

"Isn't that dangerous for you. I mean you are the mafia" the moment I said those words I wished Irvine wasn't here.

And thankfully he wasn't there. He was actually talking to one of the guys this guy had come with.

"Your friend doesn't know ?"

"The same way you don't know when I get my menses" I bit back.

"I do actually you get them in the middle of the month. Usually between 15 till 20. " He replied with so much confidence.

"Well you might as well tell me when I'm dying since  you know so much about me." I said.

"I wish I could but that's the one thing I have to make sure doesn't ever get to you. I'd rather die than let you die."

"Rightt" I said with an unimpressed  look.

"Now Victoria. Italy ?"  He said with such urgency  I'm sure he wasn't taking no for a fucking  answer.

"I don't have my passport"

"You don't need it"

"I have to pack for the trip"

"You have a closet full of clothes waiting for you"

"I told you I get airsick  very easily "

"Your doctor didn't mention that"



"You talked to my doctor without my consent  that's fucked up. What if he told you I have HIV or cancer ?" I asked him and he let out a faint laugh.

"Well glad that's cleared that you don't have it then. Let's get going,  yes?" He said and placed his hand on the small of my back which freaking gave me pure goosebumps.

"I don't wanna go without Irvine." I said before we let the building.

"Who said we're  leaving him behind." He said.

A guard was about to open the door but this guy I was with stopped him and opened the door instead.

"After you" he said and I didn't want to argue with him so I got in.

The drive to the airport  was filled with him playing about with his lighter and speaking in Italian to the guy who was infront with the driver.

I just kept of wondering one thing. What would a guy like him fly down all the way from Italy to America walk into a funeral  not bothering to respect the dead to find a girl like me.

Yes , I do know what my dad did but I left him about 5 years ago what's this now?

If he's somehow involved  in all this shit I swear to God in gonna cut his balls of with a blunt knife.

"You make a lot of faces when you're talking to yourself. " He spoke up suddenly

"And by the last look on your face I'm sure you were planning something really horrible" he added and I just smiled at him .

"What a good judge you are " I said before looking out the window to see us driving into a private runway at the airport.

A white jet cane into view that was written  something in Italian. Whatever it meant it was written really nicely.

"That's nice" I said to him and he smiled before getting out and coming to my side and opening the door for me.

"Glad you liked it" he said before placing his hand yet again at the small of my back and began leading me to the stairs.

"Ouch" I said as I stopped walking.

My ankle strap heels were beginning to kill me. I had worn them for the funeral but now it was now torture having to walk around so much in them.

"Whats wrong ?" He asked but my pride wouldn't let me tell him. Of course the motherfucker  would think I'm a weak somebody.

In my attempt  to take one  step forward my left leg got the worst cramp ever.

"I'll carry you" he suggested but I quickly moved away from him ignoring the pain that coursed through my leg.

"No you wont"

"Well you can't walk so I have to"

"And if you drop me ?"

He smiled slightly  and looked directly at me. "Then you can take the gun out of its holster and pull  the trigger straight to my head"

I gasped at how he just  affirmed how he wouldn't drop me. He came closer to me and picked me up in bridal style.

"Vicky , seriously ? You're already  onto him?" Complained  Irvine who was already in the jet when we got in.

"My legs hurt" I tried to explained and he shook his head before mouthing 'sexually  activated ' to me

"Tell the pilot we're  ready to leave for Italy. Yes"

"Sure thing , Capo"

Well I guess Italy it is.

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