Chapter 31 - the attack

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I looked at her one more time before I made my way to the guys outside.

"Suited?" Mario asked me and I just nodded whilst getting into one of the SUVs. "Let's roll!" Yelled Tom and closed the door of the very same SUV I was in.

There was the driver , me , Tony , Tom and Mario.

"If there's anything out of the ordinary be sure to inform the rest" said Tony as he munched  up some crinkles he found God knows where.

"And um listen,  my wife doesn't  actually know that I'm in Italy. I told her I had some business in Dubai so please do keep me safe , yeah?" He said and everyone looked at him confused.

"Why wouldn't you just tell your girl the truth ?" Asked Tom who was playing around with his knife.

"It's cause-" he sighed and put away the packet of crinkles only to take a bag of gummy bears. "She doesn't want this." He said.

"What do you me 'this' ?" All the guys asked at once including me.

"What I'm trying to tell you is that she doesn't want me or anyone in the family to be dealing in the Mafia. She wants a life outside it. " He explained.

"Hey , tell me one thing" I said putting my hand on his shoulder. "She knew who you were even before you guys got married and had J.J  right?" He nodded his head.

"Then what's going on. What happened ?"  I asked him and he just shook his head.

"You're actually asking the wrong guy. That's actually what I've been trying to figure out. She doesn't even leave with me anymore. She's living with her Papa and that old man hates me with every grey hair he's got "  Explained Tony and everybody just chuckled.

"You'll figure it out." Comforted Tom as he continued playing with his knife.

It was about  hour of silence with everyone  lost in their own thoughts.

I just kept thinking of my girl. I couldn't think of anything way past that. All I could see was her happy face that made my heart melt. When her crying face came into my mind my heart ached and made me swear that it would never have to happen  again and that's  exactly  what I did.

The first time I saw her back in America  , she took my breath away. The fact that she knew who we were and chose to stay calm and composed  made me notice how much fire burned inside of her.

She was perfect. She was everything I ever wanted and will want. The day of our  wedding , gosh the day of our wedding. Its like she kept getting more and more beautiful everytime I saw her.

Every bit and piece of her was perfect and I couldn't help but fall in love with her over and over again.

Nothing and definitely  noone should ever come between us. I'll  make sure of the same as well. I love her too much to ever imagine loosing her or anything bad happening towards her.

"Capo , we've  reached " said the driver.

"Finally , I thought I was gonna die from the silence " said Tony as he opened the door to the SUV.

"I thought you said we're  parking 600meters away from the building. Why did you park a town away instead?" Complained Tony but everyone chose to ignore him.

My men started getting out of their vehicles and taking whatever weaponry they'd  thought of using.

We trooped carefully in our groups to the fences.

"Torreno  what's the status?" I asked through the ear piece.

"In a minute Capo" he replied. I waited not so patiently  for him deactivate  the cameras and fence.

"Go go go " he said after what seemed like five minutes and we were on the move.

Some of my men cut through the wires so that everyone else could enter.

"There's no movement  anywhere." Reported one of the snipers.

"Nothing  at all?" I asked him.

"Hold on , a large number of people is moving towards the emergency exit" reported Torreno  again.

"Tom , what's your status?" I asked him.

"Ready to kill  whatever comes out of that door Capo" he replied in a calm voice seething with the urge to kill.

' I turned them into killing machines didn't I ?' I asked myself before shaking my head and getting all the focus I had into the game.

"Capo , there's some groups coming through to you ." Reported one of my snipers.

"It looks like they are circling you in from all sides. " said the other one.

"That's why no movement  was inside  nor around the building" concluded  Mario who had his gun in his hands fully  concentrated and ready  to fire whatever came from the other side.

"They are 100 meters away. "  Reported one  of my snipers.

"Tom , how's it going there?" I asked him.

"We have your mom Capo, the rest we'll  meet them in hell" he replied. "We're making our way towards you now" he added.

"No hold your positions only come through on my call"  I said him.

"Si ,Capo "

" They are 25 meters away now" he Reported again.

"Ready your weapons." I said to my men and every gun was now pointing into the darkness.

"On my account" I said holding my hand up to avoid anyone from firing a shot.

"Hold?" I said and I could feel the tense moment whilst my troops waited for my go ahead  sign.

"Hold" I said again and everything was pinned drop silence.

Just them the sounds of footsteps were heard.

"Fire !"  I said and that's all my troops needed before they started firing aimlessly.

Bodies from the opposite side dropped effortlessly  to the ground.

"Behind you " yelled Torren from my ear piece and I turned just in time to witness  some of the enemies coming through the entrance.

"Circle and shoot" I yelled and my men made a circle  and continued shooting.

Most of the opposition was down but there was still no sign of my dad or Luca.

"Fuck , I'm out" yelled one of my men.

"Here " I said throwing him my gun. I took  my blades and began getting them to work.

Some were still up of guns. Some throwing knifes and others on  hand to hand combat.

It was messy I'll give it that.  I didn't expect to fight against my trainer the easy way.

Just when I thought the odds were against us I called in Tom.

"Tom , come in" I said but there was no response.

"Tom"  still nothing.

"Tom !" I called.

"You looking for him"  said my dad as he came out from the dark whilst some men holding Tom  came into view.

He had two blades pierced right through him and was barely unconscious.

"I sent some of my friends  to handle him. I guess they were over handled. But dont  worry too much.  I'm sure the big guy will live that's if you get him to a hospital in time " he said while examining his badly beaten  up face.

Just then a knife cut the tip of my ear enough to draw blood and a girly scream  filled the air.

I concentrated on myself for a bit.

I didn't scream that's for sure and if that blade slid past me it must've hit , my dad.

"You scream like a bitch father in law."

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