Chapter 50 : Back home

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***ALICÌA ***

I shifted in my bed and I felt the other side empty but still warm meaning he'd just gotten out of bed.

A warm feeling rushed through me as I remembering what had just happened in the last few hours.

It was the best and doing it with Lorenzo , my husband made the whole thing different. It felt special.

I slowly opened  my eyes  , only to see Lorenzo in a pair of sweatpants  and shirtless showing off his great abs.

"With that look you're giving me. I  wouldn't mind  fucking you senseless all over again Mrs Rivera." He said as he pushed himself off the door he was leaning on and walked to the bed where I was.

I sat up holding  the bed sheets close to my chest.

He came to sit and kissed my forehead before he looked into my eyes.

"I love you. Somehow I just feel like I don't say it enough times" he said.

"Well you do say  it enough for me to feel butterflies in my stomach all the time" I told him and he smiled.

"Really  ?" He asked.

"Yeah" I replied nodding and he leaned in capturing my lips  with his.

I responded  to him almost immediately  but our make out session was cut short by his phone ringing.

"I remember these kind of disturbances" he grumbled  taking his phone from the side table.

"Yes , talk to me " he said.

"Yeah , were almost done. Is he okay?" He asked

"Great" he said and finally  ended the call.

"That was Luca , he said he's now going to pick up Noah from school and be home in the  next 30minutes or so." He told me and I just nodded.

"So why don't you and I take with whole thing to the shower and get cleaned up before Noah comes home" he suggested before picking me up in bridal style  and taking us to the shower.

After our not so innocent shower, I put on some black leggings and an over sized white  tshirt.

I put my hair up in a ponytail while I heard the door open and my little angel calling out to me.

"Mommy , mommy guess what" he said from downstairs.

I'd missed him so much.

Yes , he might be Samantha's  child  but the connection i have with  him makes me feel like he is my own child. I'll tell  him about Samantha when  he's old enough. I'll  even take him to see her grave if only he's willing.

"I'm coming baby" I said to him as I carefully went downstairs.

I couldn't do things in a rush at this moments because of what had happened but that definetly  wasn't going to stop me from seeing  my sweet baby boy.

"There he is , come to mommy" I said as he rushed to me and I picked him up from the ground and gave him a big hug and lots of kisses which he throughly enjoys.

"Mommy today Blake sa-" but he stopped mid way and looked at me worriedly.

"Whats wrong honey. What did  you and Blake do?" I asked him confused by his sudden silence.

"Mommy" he said in a small voice and his tiny hand reach out to touch my neck.

"Did Mr Skinny legs do that?" He asked.

For a moment I was so confused but then I remembered  just how much I'd forgotten to cover those hickeys  with concealer.

"O-oh yes , baby. Mr skinny legs did this" I said and Mario burst out laughing.

"Mr Skinny Legs?" Said Lorenzo's  voice from behind me.

I mentally cursed and closed my eyes because I couldn't really get out of this one.

"It means a spider " I said to him but he just looked at me.

"So Mr Skinny Legs did that to you?" He asked me and I nodded quite  confidently.

"It was quite awful honey. You should've seen it " I told him and he just looked at me  full of amusement  on his face.

" I think  I get the picture" he said back to me and Tom coughed.

"It's quite unfortunate  that there are other people in the room" he said and I just giggled before carrying my munchkin to the kitchen and sat him on the island  stools and brought out some yoghurt for him.

I had to start on dinner because I know feeding four males and a baby didn't even spell out the word easy in anyway.

All of them were just talking to each other in the living room and it had to be something  about the job  Lorenzo had sent them to do.

I was now washing the vegetables when I felt a strong presence behind me.

"You tell her " whispered someone behind  me and I frowned.

"You're her husband" said the other  voice.  I just smiled but didn't turn around.

"Lorenzo  come on man" whispered another voice.

"Okay thats enough" I said turning around facing them.

"What do you all want to tell me ?" I asked them.

"It's actually something that Lorenzo  has to tell you" said Mario quickly.

Lorenzo looked at Mario shocked before  he shook his head looking at me.

"It's actually Luca's  idea so I guess its only fair he tells you" he defended.

"But then again , it was Tom who started the whole idea   with his question so he should tell you" said Luca and I looked at all of them confused.

"Okay what is really going on?" I asked all of them.

Tom sighed deeply before  rubbing his face with both hands.

"I'll tell you. Its not like any of them are brave enough to tell you"  he said looking at them accusingly.

I actually found it amusing how Tom could even loosen up in Lorenzo's  presence like this.

All of them were close but outside these  walls they were rigid you'd think they never talk to each other.

I know that Mario and Lorenzo literally grew up together then after Lorenzo became Capo of his Mafia he then met Tom who became apart of his inner circle then later one of his close friends.

"So what is really going on,  because I heard you whisper from the moment you got into this room ?" I asked them again.

I looked at Tom  and he clicked his tongue and muttered something under his breathe before looking at me again

"I know i said I'll tell you and I will but please just don't get mad when I ask. Its really important that we know. " He said.

"Especially Lorenzo , that's why he is even hesitant to ask you himself and probably he might be scared. As are the rest of us. " He added.

"O-okay you're scaring me" I said.

"Alicìa  , we were hoping that you and Noah could come back home with us. You know back home in Italy  , back to the Familia and be our Donna again. " He said and my heart beat stopped  for a second.

I never really put it into thought that there would ever come a time when I had to go back there.

A time when I'd have to leave this pretentious  life.

A time when I'd have to go back , Home !

In some stupid sense I'd already made peace with this life  already.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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