Chapter 22 - a close suspect

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Having him back left so amazing. He was always with me and when he wasn't he'd call and check in every 30minutes.

I was grounded yet again but I didn't mind because he also grounded himself.

"Alicìa " he called out to me from the closet. He calls me that name often. At first when he said it I felt scared that he wanted to drag me back to my past. When I asked him why. He told me that it was because he fell in love with Alicìa  and Victoria  is just the bonus.

"Yeah ?"

"I need in you here" he said again and I knew exactly what for.

" I know I promised to get them to your side but I've been busy" I complained.

Since I got back from the hospital I've been wearing either his hoodie or t-shirt because most of my clothes  I was having trouble wearing them because of the plaster cast.

I got it removed last week in place of a smaller one but I'm still continuing  to wear his stuff. He wants it back but so do I.

" You promised you'd do it yesterday bambino" he said looking at me with a question gaze.

"Did I ?"

"As a matter of fact you did"

"No I didn't "

"Yes "

"How can you even be so sure" I said trying to fold my hands across my chest but my left arm made it impossible.

"Because , we were in this closet. The only difference  is" he said as he walked closer to me

"You were wearing my red hoodie with nothing underneath  and some knee high socks." He said and put his hands  on my waist.

"I remember making you seat here " he said and lifted me up and placed  me on the counter that had my makeup.

"Then  I leaned in " he said in a husky voice "and did this " he said and began tickling me.

"Oh my god  , stop" i said in between the laughs but he didn't. He continued  his tickle torture until I was running out of  breath.

"Now do you promise to  give me back my clothes ?" He asked with his hands settled on my bare thighs.

"Yes sir , I promise " I said with a huge smile on my face.

"That's  like a good girl" he said and planted a kiss on my  neck.

"Now I gotta get ready. I have to go to the warehouse today. I have some new recruits that are under training that I need to monitor." He explained to me while taking me down from the counter and making me land on my feet.

"Hey , Alicìa?" He called out to me as I was about to walk away   from him.

"Yes ?"

"Can you fight ?" Oh boy I knew one day or the other he was definetly gonna ask me that.

I let out a nervous chuckled and shook my head. "I have a plaster cast on my hand. I can't fight" I said to him.

"But Alicìa  , that not what I meant wha-" but I quickly dashed off the door and said to him that Irvine was calling me.

I quickly dashed out in search of him but he wasn't in his room.

"Excuse me have  you seen Irvine." I asked one of Lorenzo's men who was carrying some papers to somewhere.

"Last I saw of him he was with Tom in the gym." He explained to me and I dashed off going there.

"Irvine , hey Lorenzo asked me if i-" but I stopped mid way when I saw Lorenzo , Tom and Irvine standing my the weight lifts all looking at me.

"I knew where he was first so I decided to get to him and  surprisingly he didn't mention that he called you today at all" he said to me and I just stood there dumb struck.

"You know what. You guys are bullies" I said and tried to walk away again.

"Alicia , I still need you to answer  the question. It's all for you safety" he said as I was about to get out of the gym.

"My safety ?" I asked him and he nodded.

"I don't want what happened  happening ever again. So I want you to be able to  fight if the situation arises." He said while he walked up to me.

"So tell me Tesoro , can you fight?" He asked me. I kept my lips sealed for a moment  before I huffed.

"I'm not a violent person you know " I said. Lorenzo was about to complain but I raised my hand telling him to stop. " but yes , I can fight and do other stuff as well " I said to them.

"What else can you do ?" Asked Irvine who seemed interested just as much as the other two men in the building.

" I feel cornered right now." I said to them.

"Can we go for  ice-cream Lorenzo?" I said with a cute pout I knew he would never refuse.

"Okay , but that not the end of this discussion. We'll  talk about it later" he said as he took my hand in his and guided me toward the exit.

Just then we saw his mother going out all dressed up.

"Mama !"

"S-son , what are you doing home. Aren't you supposed to be at work or something ?"

"I was going but I have a few things that I need to take  care of  first. Where are you going?"

"Out  , I have some friends that I need to meet up" she said.

"You never meet your friends outside mama. And I don't think  going out after what happened with Alicìa. Its not yet safe. We haven't found who's done this so please don't go out" he said to her but she just rolled her eyes.

"Your sorry excuse of wife  is the one that they are after not me. Besides I don't get hideous  yellow cards with threats." Through out all she was saying Lorenzo kept his hand in mine and was squeezing my hand hard but I just let him do it.

"Yellow cards with threats. Mom how do you know about that ?" Asked Lorenzo

His mom seemed taken aback by his question.

"W-w-what do you mean how do I know that. I'm your mother I know what you know" she said and walked out of the door.

Lorenzo wasn't even convinced.

"Did you mention the yellow card to my mom?" He asked me.

"No , we don't talk at all. So mentioning that would be out of  the question.

He nodded and led me outside the house to his car.

"Umm , Lorenzo why don't you got to work. We'll  do the ice cream some other day" I told him.

He was already lost in thought so this whole ice-cream had to wait.

"Thank you so much amor. I promise I'll make it up to you" he said and gave me a quick peck.

I walked back into the house as he drove off.

He hope he doesn't suspect his own mother.

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