28. Stay

59 9 15

Mahil :

Pulling the comforter closer, I turned leftwards folding my arm beneath the head as a habit. Feeling the lack of a pillow, I tried to look for it fumbling here and there in order to sooth stiffness in my neck, half-asleep.

Harsh alarm chose same time to ring making me blink. When did I set an alarm? Avoiding the good for nothing noise, I shut my eyes tightly but it only grew louder.

"Tch," I clicked my tongue and peaked out of the blanket.

Unfamiliar surroundings confused me until last night's flashes came to back orienting me to the fact that I ended up sleeping on foot end of bed. I frowned realizing Kuhoo wasn't there. Did the pain wake her up middle of night?

Digital clock on nightstand showed 4:45 AM. Rubbing my eyes, I pressed on its top to turn off that irritating noise. Was she serious? An alarm at this time on a Sunday?

Faint words falling on my ears made me walk in direction of kitchen. But as I reached there, site in front froze my steps. Mahil, don't touch me until I complete the prayers. You haven't taken a bath yet.

Inhaling a long breath, I blinked at the memory of my mother before entering inside.

There she was. Sitting in front of a Krishna idol, wearing a simple green kurti, damp hair twisted in a white towel, hands joined, eye closed. Orange-yellow light from the brass lamp was casting an ethereal glow on her serene face as she recited some shlokas, probably in Sanskrit, and I found myself taking a seat behind her, silently.

"युगादिकृद्युगावर्तो नैकमायो महाशनः ।

अदृश्यो व्यक्तरूपश्च सहस्रजिदनन्तजित् ॥"

(Yugadikrut-yugavarto naikmayo mahashanah| Adrushyo vyakta rupah ch sahastrajit anantjit)  Kuhoo didn't realize my presence as she continued her prayers without the slightest movement, back straight, shoulders high.

Small tendrils had come out of the towel, adorning sides of her face. Lacy fumes coming from small incense sticks were surrounding us everywhere. The atmosphere was still cold but there was a new energy to it. I looked at her side and my eyes refused to move away from the sight as if they knew nothing, no other thing in the god damn world than staring at this beautiful woman.

"न वासुदेवभक्तानामशुभं विद्यते क्वचित् ।

जन्ममृत्युजराव्याधिभयं नैवोपजायते ॥"

(Na Vasudev bhaktanam ashubham vidyate kvachit| Janma-mrutyu-Jara-vyadhi bhayam naivopajayate)

Changing rhythm signified that the prayer was about to finish. There was something familiar about it.

But then it happened, she stuttered pausing for a moment, "द्यौः सचन्द्रार्कनक्षत्रा (Dyouhu Sachandra-Arka-nakshatra-)..."

"द्यौः सचन्द्रार्कनक्षत्रा -..." Unable to remember the next lines, she clicked her tongue and frown lines appeared on that tranquil face.

"द्यौः सचन्द्रार्कनक्षत्रा खं दिशो भूर्महोदधिः ।

वासुदेवस्य वीर्येण विधृतानि महात्मनः ॥"

(Dyouhu Sachandra-Arka-nakshatra Khamn Disho Bhuhu Mahodadhihi | Vasudevasya viryena vidhrutani mahatmanaha ) 

I was shocked at the words coming out of my mouth. What was I saying? How did I know it?

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