41. Goodbye Chicago?

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Mahil :

Kuhoo poured freshly brewed coffee in four cups, as I walked towards Kitchen. There was something about her cooking at my place, something so intimate. I didn't know if she found it as significant as I did but when my arms circled around her belly in a back hug, awaiting reciprocation, she attempted to free herself saying, "Mahil! What're you doing?"

"Nothing. I thought we had unfinished business," Running my fingers through her hair, I turned those voluminous silky strands on one side, inhaling her sweet sandalwood scent mixed with my musky one. She smelt like me. Good lord, why did it make my heart swell with pride?

Kuhoo jumped at her place as I settled for the sinful arc between her neck and shoulder. My warm breaths touched that cold skin melting the strong resolve of this bewitching woman and her back collided against me. Her escalated breaths, rhythmic movements of the bouncy chest intoxicated me further. I placed a sensuous kiss on side of her neck and the way she moaned my name, I lost last ounce of sanity, "Mahil."

I placed another kiss just beneath her earlobe making back of her head land on my chest. Tracing the lines of her collarbone, I was about to make her turn to be able to see the beautiful flush of those jovial cheeks when she stepped out of my embrace, "I'm getting late for the hospital."

"Can't you stay?" I tried to hold her again. But she didn't let me, rather shifted a little farther getting a tray for cups.

"Did you talk to Adi?" She asked arranging the hot cups meticulously.

Adi. Mention of that name spoiled my mood. Not my fault though, what kind of man would be happy to see his woman's ex-boyfriend at their doorstep? Cherry on the cake, he turned out to be my brother. I wanted to spend more time with Kuhoo, but this man stepped in right after our first kiss. I didn't get to see the blush of her cheeks or color of her swollen lips. Guess, who was responsible?

"He wants to take me to our home in India. That's not happening. I don't even know who he is," I rolled my eyes making a bad face.

"You should." She whispered making my head shoot at her in surprise. "I have known Adi for years, Mahil. There were many things I liked about him. But quality that I admired the most was his infinite love for his family. So, I think you should at least -"

Raising an arm, signaling her to stop, I shook my head, "This is unbelievable. You want me to leave when we are about to begin our -"

I took a pause hearing someone's footsteps approaching the kitchen. She moved away creating some distance between us.

"Is everything alright?" Jyotiraditya asked standing at the entrance glancing at my woman. The nerve of this man, he had the audacity to meet her eyes. Kuhoo looked at him for a moment and then stared the floor shrinking at her place.

Did he not realize he was making her awkward?

Mental note 1: Find a suitable dagger to dig out his ebony dark eyes.

"Yeah, I was just leaving. Or else I'll be late for my work," She picked up the tray and made her way to living room. Giving the bastard a death glare I sprinted behind Kuhoo. He stood at same place consternated for a long moment before following us.

Placing the tray on a table close to couch, she trailed off to the door. I scurried behind her, "You don't have to leave. I'm not going anywhere with this pretentious bastard. Who wears an Armani on a normal day anyways?"

"Adi is rich," She uttered.

"So, what? We all are. We earn well for ourselves," I muttered irked.

Kuhoo shook her head, "You don't understand. He is filthy rich. Rich to the point -"

Diamond Hearts (Volume I & II)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ