Act Two: Chapter X: Revelations

227 11 224

January 11 2014

The winter soldier was walking through the streets as he reloaded his rifle and grenade launcher

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The winter soldier was walking through the streets as he reloaded his rifle and grenade launcher. He began looking for Natasha as the assassin saw civilians running away while screaming in fear but he ignored them.

He continued walking through the streets until the assassin heard someone speaking behind a car as he was listening to it.

Natasha: I make an LZ, twenty-three hundred block of Virginia Avenue. Rendezvous two minutes. Taking fire above and below expressway. Civilians threatened. Repeat, civilians threatened.

The assassin pulled out a grenade and slowly rolled it towards the car where he thinks Natasha is hiding. The grenade began rolling towards the car until it stopped in one place but Natasha wasn't hiding at the car, instead it was an audio log that was distracting the winter soldier.

The grenade exploded as the winter soldier was looking at the explosion until Natasha ambushed him by kicking his rifle. She jumped on his head and used the wire to strangle the assassin as he was struggling to break free.

The winter soldier was angry as he grabbed Natasha and threw her to the car. He picked up his rifle and was gonna shoot her until Romanoff threw a electric pellet at the assassin's robotic arm as he was stunned.

Natasha immediately ran away as the assassin removed the electric pellet from his arm as he closed his fist in anger before he recalibrated his robotic arm and continued following Romanoff.

Natasha was running as she was shouting at the civilians to run away. She continued running until the winter soldier shot her in the shoulder as she fell down.

Natasha was holding her shoulder as she was scared and began looking around as she didn't see the assassin anywhere.

Suddenly she heard footsteps as Romanoff turned around and saw the winter soldier standing on top of a car as he was gonna shoot her until Anne hit a surprise attack on the assassin.

Suddenly she heard footsteps as Romanoff turned around and saw the winter soldier standing on top of a car as he was gonna shoot her until Anne hit a surprise attack on the assassin

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The winter soldier pulled out a pistol and began firing at Anne but she used the shield to block the attacks as she hit a superman punch to the assassin.

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