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Author's Perspective

“ another trouble again kim? ” you stated in disbelief dipping the cotton on the ointment before treating it to kim taehyung's injured arms.

he got fresh cuts on it. being the campus' popular badboy, it's no longer a surprise for everyone because taehyung would literally get into fights mostly everyday.

but the known man doesn't just beat someone out of nowhere, the students he fought was those mannerless bullies who hurt some innocent students but mostly everyone was blind to see that, believing that taehyung just likes to destroy someone's lives for fun.

as the son of the school's head director, everyone including the professors didn't do anything but just let taehyung be. scared to even just open their mouths that would lead their life into hell.

“ why bother asking if you already knew. ” taehyung answered letting out a hiss feeling the burning sensation on his skin.

“ if professor just didn't told me to bring you here i wouldn't be here treating your damn wounds. ”

“ so you should be thankful because i'm not that heartless. you look fucked up. ” you blurted earning a glare from the other side.

“ are you done? ” taehyung just uttered blankly.

you gaze at him meeting his face filled with only coldness. you sigh and divert your attention to his wounds.

“ lift up your shirt. ”

“ hey hey! shorty is making moves now huh. just tell me directly if you want to see my abs. ” taehyung smirked making you immediately scoff looking at him with a done face.

“ oh dream on. you know what? i won't help you anymore, i should go. ”

you were not seriously in the mood to bicker or hear this man's teasing after seeing him being this injured, it pains you because taehyung was the son of your mother's bestfriend and you knew that you both were close friends before since pampers but everything has to change. and although you always saw him get into fights but you were not absolutely used of him being injured especially this one is like the most severe one.

you got up from where you sitted but before you could take a step to leave, you felt your wrist being held making you suddenly shiver at the sudden contact of his warm palm covered with bandaids.

“ sorry i am just kidding help me now, i can't even move. ” taehyung stated making you roll your eyes not uttering anything but you eventually sat back on the chair in front of him to continue your work.

“ you better behave your ass, kim. let me treat your injuries without giving me a headache. ”

you lift up taehyung's shirt seeing his well toned body but the view of the scratches on him makes you feel bad.

you started treating his wounds carefully while taehyung on the other hand got the chance to stare at you with his affectionate filled eyes and which eventually didn't go unnoticed by you, you just stayed quiet minding your own work.

. . .

“ do you have no plan to stop this? ” you asked engrossed on treating his stomach this time.

“ maybe. i don't know. ” taehyung responded non chalantly like he doesn't even care at all.

“ you should. ”

“ and why would i listen to you? ”

“ i just don't want to see you in pain okay?! ” you suddenly blurted out of frustration, you didn't realize that you said that out loud and you still have no idea.

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