Part 14

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Following the accidental run-in in the bathroom, things between Lisa and Jennie were uncomfortable for a few days. Neither knew quite what to say to the other, and it took several days before they could talk openly about it.

"Jennie, I'm really, really sorry about what happened Tuesday night," apologized Lisa the following Friday at breakfast. "It was an accident."

She managed a half-smile. "Yeah, I know. I never thought you did it intentionally."

"Good. Do you think we can chalk it up to me not having shared a bathroom with a woman in a long time? I promise to knock next time."

"It's a deal. Although I must admit, it did make me a little uncomfortable knowing you've seen me naked," Jennie said.

"I guess telling you that you're not the first woman I've seen naked isn't going to win me any points, is it?" Lisa tried to joke.

Jennie shook her head. "Not really the way to go."

"Okay. Then, if it helps, the only thing I got a good look at was your tattoo. An angel, I like it."


Minnie sighed with exasperation when Jennie walked up to her desk. She didn't like the young girl or her attitude. 'What does she want?' "Can I help you?" she asked with a put-out tone of voice.

"I'm here to see Lisa," Jennie told her.

"Sorry. she's not to be disturbed; a big meeting in half an hour and she needs to be ready for it," she said, smirking with satisfaction. "Which means no unannounced visitors. But I'll be sure to tell her you stopped by, Miss Kim."

Jennie put on her best fake smile. "Lisa already knows I'm coming; I called her earlier. You can check with her if you don't believe me."

With a scowl, the secretary stood up and headed to her boss' office door, knocking on it. "Ms. Manoban?" she called, opening the door a crack.

"Yeah, Minnie?"

"Miss Kim is here to see you. Should I tell her to go?" 

"No, let her in. I'm expecting her," Lisa informed her.

Dejected, Minnie turned back to Jennie. "You can go in, Miss Kim."

"Thank you." Before entering Lisa's office, Jennie turned around. "By the way, Minnie, I would prefer it if you called me by my married name. 'Mrs. Manoban'." Leaving the stunned secretary standing behind her desk, she went inside.

Lisa stood when she entered. "Hey. I thought we were supposed to have lunch at noon," she reminded her. "It's almost one-thirty."

"Sorry. Course registration took a little longer than I anticipated. I grabbed something to eat at the Student Union." Jennie handed her a paper bag. "And I felt bad about stiffing you, so I brought you a sandwich."

"Thank you."

Jennie sat down on the leather couch, Lisa taking a seat next to her, opening her lunch. Jennie had bought her a BLT sandwich on white toast with french-fries. "Your secretary has a major attitude problem. Would you please fire her?"

"Jennie!" Lisa exclaimed after swallowing a bite of her sandwich. "I can't just fire her. Minnie's worked for me since I started here."

"Then tell her to stop being so rude to me when I come in here. If I didn't know any better, I'd think she's jealous of me. You know, because I'm your wife. I think she's got a thing for you."

Placing her hand on her knee, Lisa smiled at her. "Would you feel better if I talked to her? Tell her to back off?"

"You'd do that?"

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