Part 24

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Ella returned to the waiting room, seeing Jisoo sitting in the chair she herself had vacated when she left to call Lisa. Her face looked sad, nearly as sad as it had been over a year ago when their parents were in the hospital. "Jisoo?" Ella said in a little girl's voice, fear gripping her heart.

The older girl stood up, wiping the sad look from her face. "Ella, sit down."

"Something's wrong...What did the nurse say to you?"

"She is in surgery right now. Apparently, her appendix ruptured from the impact of the crash," Jisoo told her younger sister. "So, she has to have an appendectomy to keep the poison from getting into her bloodstream."

Ella needed to take a deep breath before sitting down. "Poison? She's got poison in her? How?"

"The appendix is full of harmful toxins, that's why some people need to have it removed when it gets enlarged, so that way it doesn't rupture. But in Jennie's case, it didn't just get enlarged, it actually burst."

"Could she die?"

Closing her eyes, Jisoo sighed. The last thing she wanted to do was hurt Ella with the truth. "The doctors know what they're doing. Jennie's in good hands with them."

Ella just stared at her. "You didn't answer my question."

"That's because you can answer it yourself. You know Jennie; do you think she'll let a little thing like this keep her down?"


"Did you get a hold of Lisa?" Jisoo wanted to know, deciding to change the subject.

She nodded. "Yeah. she said she'll be here in a couple minutes. her secretary said she was in the middle of some big, important meeting. You don't think she's gonna get in trouble, do you?"

"I doubt it. Lisa is the boss over there, I don't think she'll be getting into a whole lot of trouble. Especially if it's a family emergency like this one is."

Ella slumped down in her chair. "Oh no. Lisa's going to hate me. She loves Jennie so much and if she's hurt really bad, she'll want to kill me. She could have me put in jail."

Jisoo wrapped her arm around Ella's shoulder. "How many times do I have to tell you? The accident was *not* your fault. Some asshole ran a STOP sign and slammed into Jennie's car. If anyone gets put in jail, it'll be him. So, stop worrying."

Five minutes later, Lisa ran into the waiting room where her two sisters-in-law sat, comforting one another. "Jisoo, Ella, how is she? I got here as fast as I could."

The fifteen-year-old started crying while Jisoo frowned. "Jennie's still in surgery."

"What kind of surgery?" 'Please let her be okay. Please, please.'

"An appendectomy. Her appendix burst due to the accident. They think she might have a few broken ribs, and her right foot is definitely broken."

"How does she look?" Lisa questioned.

She shrugged her shoulders. "I haven't seen her. She was already in surgery when I got here, and that was forty-five minutes ago."

"How's she taking it?" she asked, nodding to Ella.

"Ella blames herself. Keeps saying if she hadn't gotten detention this afternoon, Jennie would be fine. I keep telling her if that guy had been watching where he was driving, we wouldn't be here. But there's nothing we can do now except wait."


"Kim?" the doctor called when he entered the waiting area.

Jisoo got up and walked over to the doctor; Ella had fallen asleep with her head on Lisa's shoulder. "I'm Jennie's sister. Is she okay, doctor?"

He smiled and nodded his head. "Your sister is lucky she wasn't hurt much worse. But yes, she'll be fine. We successfully removed her appendix and prevented the toxins from spreading throughout her body. Aside from that, she has a broken foot and some bruised ribs. And a few cuts and bruises on her face."

"Any permanent damage?"

"None that I can see. In about two months, Jennie should be back to normal. She's resting in room 364, she just woke up from the anesthesia, so she might be a little groggy. I'll let you in to see her one at a time for five minutes each."

Jisoo felt like hugging the doctor. "Thank you so much. When can she come home?"

"Barring any complications, the day after tomorrow."

"Well?" Lisa demanded when she returned. "How is she?"

"Fine. She is going to be perfectly fine. Her ribs aren't broken, just bruised. And the doctor said she can go home the day after tomorrow. That's great, isn't it?"

"It is. Can we see her?"

"Uh-huh. She just woke up a little while ago." She paused. "Do you want to go in first or should I?"

Lisa grimaced at the decision she had to make. "You go. I'll tell Ella the good news while you're in there."

"But you are Jennie's wife. Don't you think she'll want to see you first?" Jisoo could sense her struggle. She knew Lisa was afraid of letting her true feelings for Jennie show.

Lisa shook her head. "That's all right. You're her sister, she'll want to see you before she'll want to see me. Just go."

"If you're sure."

"I am." Once Jisoo turned toward Jennie's room, Lisa shook her sleeping sister-in-law. "Hey, Ella, wake up. I've got good news for you."


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