Part 27

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"Would you mind explaining to me why you felt the need to call my mother and inform her of my marriage?" Lisa demanded to know. She had called her best friend in the morning and requested they meet for lunch at noon.

GD took a swig of his beer, smiling to himself. "What's the big deal? She's your mother, she had a right to know. Don't you agree?"

"No, I don't agree. You know quite well how much I despise my mother. That woman doesn't need to know anything about my life. In fact, the less she knows, the better."

"Amelia is family, Lisa. She gave birth to you."

Lisa scowled. "That may be true, but that does not make her my mother. She gave up those rights when she shipped me off to boarding school when I turned eight."

"So, she's concerned about you; she wants to make sure you're happy. Can you begrudge her that?" he questioned.

Lisa eyed him carefully. She knew GD well enough to know when he was up to something. "What's in it for you, Ji-yong? There's no way you called my mother out of the kindness of your heart. Tell me."

"There's nothing to tell," he lied. "Like I said, I thought she deserved to know her daughter got married. I still don't understand why you're so upset about it. She'd have found out eventually."

"Why am I upset? Because she took over my house! She walked through my front door and announced her intention of staying for an extended visit. In my bedroom. I had to sleep in Jennie's room last night," Lisa explained. "Do you know how uncomfortable that was?"

"I am sure it was so uncomfortable for you. Sharing a room perhaps more with your beautiful little wife. My heart bleeds for you, Lisa."

Lisa shook her head. "Why I expected sympathy from you, I have no idea."

"You've got it made; don't you see that? This is your chance to boldly go where you haven't gotten access to go before. What are you waiting for? Sleep with the damn girl and get it over with."

"You're crude, you know that?"

"You used to be the exact same way, as I recall. Listen to me, you've been obsessing over her since you got married. Take what you want. It'll get her out of your system." 

Once again, Lisa shook her head. "Jennie and I have a deal. I'm not about to break it."

"Then why did you almost have sex with her on New Year's Eve?" GD asked with a smirk. "What's changed? What was so different then?"

"She was drunk."

"But you weren't. Think about what a load off your mind it would be. Everybody wins. Come on, Lisa. Do it tonight, I dare you."


"How did you meet my daughter?" Mrs. Manoban questioned her daughter-in-law.

"I needed a lawyer for my older sister, Lisa spoke during one of my law classes last year, so I asked her," Jennie told her, keeping it as simple as possible. "Things snowballed from there."

She nodded. "I see. Don't you think it's a bit strange for a girl your age to be married to an older Girl?"

"Truthfully, I don't see anything wrong with it. If we love each other, what's the problem?"

"No problem. It's just that I happen to find it rather interesting my Lalisa married you after knowing you for only a few days. Most people wait several months, or even a year. Why the rush to the altar?" Lisa's mother wanted to know.

"We didn't want to wait. We knew the day we met that we were meant to be together. At least I did."

Mrs. Manoban smiled knowingly. "I'm certain you did. Especially considering my daughter's vast inheritance from my brother."

Jennie found herself appalled by the insinuation. "Let me get this straight. You think I married Lisa for her money?"

"Why else would you have married her?" she asked. "By no means am I stupid. A pretty young girl with no money, no parents, and a teenage sister to raise. What other reason could there be?"

Jennie grabbed her crutches and stood up. She no longer could stand being verbally abused by Amelia Manoban. "How would you know that? You don't know anything about Lisa, you sent her away to school in England before she was even ten years old. And you sure as hell don't know me, so you'd better stop making false accusations before they come back and bite you in the ass."

"How dare you speak to me that way, you impudent child!"

"Go to hell," Jennie shot back as she left the room.


When Lisa returned home at seven o'clock that evening, she found an angered Jennie sitting on the stairs waiting for her. "I'd ask you how your day was, but I think I already know the answer to that one. What happened with my mother?"

"Your mother, and I use the term loosely, is the she-devil incarnate," Jennie stated plainly.

"Okay, what did she do?" Lisa took her hand in her, leading her into her study so they could talk in private.

She took a deep breath before beginning, also waiting until Lisa closed their door, ensuring their privacy. "To keep it short and sweet, she called me a gold digger. Isn't that nice of her? I'm surprised she didn't add tramp to the list while she was at it. The woman was on a roll today."

"I'm sorry," Lisa apologized. "My mother doesn't know how to think before she speaks."

"Do I give off that aura or something?" Jennie asked.

"It's not you, Jen, it's her. And believe me, I know the real you, and in no way do you resemble a gold-digging tramp. My mother's a bitch, I told you that last night. If she can't see what a wonderful person you are, then that's her loss. Not yours. Just ignore her and maybe she'll go away."

She smiled at her kind words. "Thank you. You're always reassuring me, Lisa. I don't know what I'd do without you here to boost my self-esteem."

Lisa cupped her face in her hands, touching her forehead to her. "The feeling is mutual."

Looking deep into her eyes, Lisa felt her lips closing in on hers. It came as a complete surprise to both of them when neither pulled away when their lips met. Jennie's hands gripped her shoulders for support while Lisa's left hand found its way to the back of her neck, bringing her closer to her. Their tongues massaged one another, and it took at least a minute for Lisa to break the kiss. It was then that she realized what had happened.

"I don't know why I did that. I'm sorry."

Jennie felt flush, her heartbeat in her throat and the burning in her stomach seemed to move lower and lower with every touch. There was something about Lisa's kisses that had that effect on her. And she loved it. "Don't. I know why you did it; you wanted to make me feel better. And it worked." 'I wish. No, I hope that's not the real reason. I hope it's because you have feelings for me,' she thought.

"Good. I'm glad. It won't happen again." 'Until the next time I can't control myself. Why is it every time I'm alone with Jennie I want to kiss her?' she asked herself.

"I don't mind. I-I liked the kiss. You're really good at it." 'Amazing is more like it. How am I going to fall asleep tonight with her right next to me? All I'm going to be able to think about is how great a kisser she is. Maybe I should just take Jisoo's advice and jump her. Nah. Then I'd be humiliated if she shot me down. Nope, I'll just play it cool. One of these days, though.'  

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