Part 25

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"Knock, knock," Lisa said before entering her wife's hospital room.

"Mind if I come in?"

Jennie looked over toward her, smiling when she saw what she held: a giant helium balloon attached to the leg of a brown teddy bear. "Hi. Sure, you can come in."

"These are for you. I'll put them on the table here," Lisa told her, placing the gifts on the table next to the bed.

"Thank you. It was really thoughtful of you to go to so much trouble," Jennie commented.

Lisa gave her a kiss on the forehead. "It was no trouble at all. I'm just glad you're okay. I don't know what I would've done if something had happened to you."

"It would have really put a damper on your plans for getting your inheritance from your uncle John."

"That has nothing to do with it. I genuinely care about you," Lisa admitted, somewhat hurt by her words. "The biggest part of me would have died if you hadn't made it."

"Really?" she asked, incredulously.

Lisa nodded. "Really. You're more than just some girl to me. You should know that by now."

"I guess I never realized it."

"How are you feeling?"

Jennie groaned. "Like I was run over by an eighteen-wheeler. Other than being very sore, I'm okay."

"That's to be expected, I suppose."

"Yeah, it is. I'm really sorry about your car. I didn't mean to get it demolished like that," she apologized.

Lisa laughed shortly. "The car is the least of my concerns. All I care about is you, not a fourteen-thousand-dollar contraption. A car can be replaced, a person can't."

"If I ask you something, will you be totally honest with me?"

"Of course I will. What do you want to know?"

"Do these cuts make me look ugly?"

The expression on her face devastated her. Jennie looked utterly terrified of the answer. "You only have a few cuts on your cheeks. And to answer your question, no, you don't look ugly. You are as beautiful as always."

"You think I'm beautiful?"

"I always have." Lisa checked her watch. "Looks like my five minutes is almost up. I'll be by tomorrow during my lunch hour and visit you. Get some rest."

"I will. Thank you, Lisa."

"For what?"

Jennie gave her a small smile. "For everything. It means a lot to me. Having you here means a lot to me."

"Same here. You mean a lot to me too, Jen." 'More than you'll ever know.'


Two days later, Lisa opened the front door for her injured wife as she hobbled up the walkway to the house on her crutches. "Do you need any help walking up the steps?" she asked, concerned she might not be able to make it up the three steps to get to the door.

Jennie shook her head. "Nope, I think I can handle it on my own. But thanks for the offer."

"Just trying to help."

"I know you are. I just don't want to rely on anybody because of this. You and Ella won't be home with me every second, so I need to learn to do this on my own."

Lisa nodded, understanding Jennie's need for independence. "If you do need me, all you have to do is ask."

She climbed up the steps, reaching her side. "I appreciate your concern. I'm warning you, though, I might take you up on it."

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