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   Hu Yanxiang's words immediately aroused Captain Zhao's ridicule.

  Captain Zhao said, "How many years ago did you get this news? I'm afraid you don't know yet."

  "Weird things are happening frequently in this E City base. Many Qu family members in the E City base are hiring bodyguards at high prices. They  will go to the Xiangcheng base or F city."

  After hearing this news, Hu Yanxiang was stunned, he couldn't believe it.

  During this period of time, when they and Qu Yimin fell into the zombie wave, there were very few supplies that they could search for.

  In this zombie wave, with so many survivors passing through every day, there is no shortage of capable people.

  These survivors will collect all the supplies from the zombie wave in advance.

  All supplies that can be found with the naked eye have been looted by the survivors in front.

  Therefore, the mobile phones of Hu Yanxiang and others also ran out of power.

  They don't even know what happened at the E City base.

  Captain Zhao saw the shocked expressions on the faces of Hu Yanxiang and others and said, "The survivors you mentioned before went to E City Base in large numbers because there are no strange species in E City Base yet."

  " Now the survivors are not going there, who knows what they will encounter."

  Now everyone with some skills knows that a monster appeared outside the E City base, which looks a bit like a human, but has a tail and can run at high speeds.

  This kind of monster is much faster than zombies.

  When an ordinary person faces a zombie, he still has time to react and kill the zombie.

  But when ordinary people encounter this kind of monster, they don't even have time to react, and they will be knocked down by this kind of monster.

  What's even more frightening is that this monster seems to be very contagious.

  If you are bitten by such a monster, you will most likely become such a monster yourself.

  Therefore, the talents at the E City base are running around, trying to leave E City in droves.

  Captain Zhao described the miserable situation of the E City base to Hu Yanxiang and others, "Qu Shiheng was so big in building a city wall before, how can he call it a city wall?"

  "Just a barbed wire fence, which is not powered on yet, what can it stop?"

  "We don't even know how many people are left in the E City base. These people are huddled inside the base, living in the original prison of the E City base, and they dare not go out."

"Who dares to go out? Anyone who goes out will die."

  As soon as Captain Zhao finished speaking, Qu Yimin ran back quickly.

  She looked at Hu Yanxiang in fear, as if she was afraid that Hu Yanxiang would be angry, and said in a low voice, "I, I found out that there is something going on ahead."

Hu Yanxiang was furious and slapped Qu Yimin on the face. He said irritably, "Can't you speak louder? If you speak in such a low voice, who can hear what you are saying?"

  "It's like a mosquito humming. Look at this person."

  He pointed at the petite woman in the captain's team  then said to Qu Yimin,

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