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         So I kith owls, I love them and I love everything around them, but I just had a shift

         I was showering( again, the shower makes me really shifty for no reason lol) and the light burnt out. As soon as the light burnt our POP! I have phantom wings.

           It's probably the most intense phantom shift I've ever had, I just had wings on my back the next second!

          They weren't very big, fully stretched they were past my elbows, but that doesn't entirely matter. I jumped back as soon as I felt the wings, they were heavy and hurt a little, as they were soak with water. I stepped out of the water stream and folded the wings to my back and extended them a couple times. I grabbed my right wing with my hand. I didn't feel it in my had but I felt my hand on the wing. I smoothed down my wings to try to get the water off, then they disappeared.

         It was crazy, it was a very strong phantom shift, and the fact that it happened right as the lights went out and that I'm semi nocturnal, and that it was feathered wings, it's gotta be a bird of the night.

           When I tried to touch the wings with my hand I couldn't, I didn't feel them, i didn't see them (it was a phantom shift, why would I?) but I felt them stemming from my back, I felt their movement and the heavy wet features and my wings felt my hand, but my hands didn't feel the wings

          When I got out of the shower I felt feathers along my head, and right now I'm phantoming talons on my hands and it's really hard to type rn T^T

          Based on the shifts and my kith, I'm thinking owl, or it could just be a random cameo shift but either way I have research to do.

        One other thing, I had this repeating dream when I was younger of being a predator bird, flying over a coniferous forest, then I spotted a rodent in a clearing, I swoop down and pick the rodent up. I ate it later, and maybe that was a memory screaming at my face, although I have my doubts, it can be a phase and it might be.


Concerning the strong phantom shift I had, I have a few things in mind

I also shifted talons on my feet as well as my heads so that may be leading to a ku type rather than a theriotype

- owl 

High chances, I learned bird quads when I first had my awakening it felt right, nocturnal, I kith owls already and have a strong connection with them, and I had that reoccurring childhood dream that may be a memory, the weird vocals I've done most my life sound similar to a screech owl

- harpy

Medium  chances, they have wings on their back, and talons for hands and feet all though they don't really have any other feathers, they are quite humanoid though so that makes me think that that would be less of a kintype and more of a... I don't know the word but similar to the alterhuman who self identify as vampire

- European dragon 

Low chances: I love dragons and I love Wof but European dragons don't have feathers. They do have the wings and talons on all four legs, somewhat nocturnal 

-Chinese dragon 

Medium chances, they don't have wings normally but they are particularly feathered and have all four legs with talons, somewhat nocturnal 


Low chances, they are featured and have featured wings, with front talons , no back talons, and some subspecies of griffins are nocturnal, I just don't feel a good connection with them 


Low chances, the possible memory dream may have been a nightgale, not an owl, but they feel a little small. The weird bird vocals I've done my whole life sound somewhat similar.

- nighthawk (the bird not the jet)

Medium chances, Nocturnal falcon, could also be the dream, it's size feels right, and I just kind of feel a connection with them.

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