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          Last night I had cake and ice cream for my Bday, and when I got done from dance I was so hungry that I accidentally growled at my dad 😭😭🫠 and then I sat in a lizard voice to make it sound less weird: Food! Which may have made it worse idk it was really embarrassing, and my dad goes: "You sound like a little gremlin" 🫠🫠🫠

            During face I really just wanted to elk on all fours but I felt like one I would get bullied and two that I might shift. Then I trolled C.ai bots. >:)) more updates soon!


I know it was only like fifteen minutes but when I was walking on the ice on the sidewalk it had such a satisfying crunch sound that made me super shifty so I took a video but apparently it has to be a yt video to put it on Wattpad :(


            So I got back from school, I brought up the anti furry anti Terran law to my friends Coco and Claire, they were like "animal control is overkill but they have a point" so what I gathered from that is that they think their and and furries are bad. :/ I guess I'm screwed cause I'm really close with Claire- I don't want to end up not friends with her, because she is literally awesome. I want to mention the 9 year old who was shot for being a therian, so they don't hate them. It's fine if they don't agree as long as they are respectful about it.

            I had animalistic urges all day, I'm glad I wore my chain necklace because people don't think it's weird to chew on that, I just wanted to walk on all fours all day. Around the time the sun set I had the really strong urge to tuck my arms in- like a wing of some sort.

            I haven't gotten any new memories but I do think that my dog kintype died of old age because I haven't had any memories of death yet. I'm to scared to try to were my gear to induce memories because they might cause a mental shift of some sort.

            I haven't had any luck with astral shifting for a lil bit but I'm still gonna keep trying. That's it for now! :)

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