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Jo barely slept her first night at camp green lake. She kept tossing and turning on the lumpy cot mattress. So waking up at the crack of dawn wasn't easy for her.

"How the hell do they expect us to to dig holes when the cots aren't even comfortable?" She complained to squid. Since you know, he was her Mentor.

"I think your Gonna have a lot more to complain about after today then just a lumpy cot." He told her, as they were both in line to get shovels. "And word of advice, don't pick the shovel with the red tape on it. That's x rays." He told her.

"Why? What's so special about that one?" She asked him.

"See, that shovel is smaller then all the other one. Smaller shovel, smaller hole." He explained to her.

"Oh come on, how much shorter is it than all the other shovels? Like a quarter of a centimeter?" She said. "Does it really make that much of a difference?"

Squid shrugged. "I don't know, but all I know is don't touch the shovel with the red tape." He warned her. All Jo did was nod.

"Note taken." She said, moving up in line with squid to get there shovels. She grabbed a random one out of the shovel shed and followed squid and the rest of the boys from d tent.

"You Gonna follow those boys around like a stray dog the whole time sweetheart?" One of the B tent boys mocked to her as they walked by, laughing. Jo rolled her eyes at him, not responding to him, trying to show that he wasn't gonna get under skin. Deep down it did bother her. But she couldn't let them see that part.

Squid walked by her side. "Ignore em girl, bunch of bone heads." He told Her, attempting to make her feel better. She smiled at him, nodding in agreement.

She decided to dig her hole next to squid and zig zag. She didn't know where to start. She hasn't exactly dug a hole before. She attempted to just shove it in the dirt. But that didn't exactly work. So she shoved the shovel in the dirt, now putting her work boot on the shovel, giving it a little force. It finally seemed to work a bit.

Jo continued with the her digging, making some progress in the with her hole. She was sweating, hot and sticky. Thank god her hat was covering her face from any sun burn. But her jump suit sleeves were really getting in the way. So she took her arms out of the sleeves and tied it around her waist, leaving her in a white tank top and half a jump suit.

Finally it was time for a water break. Mr sir pulled up with the water truck. She hopped out of her hole that was done half way, and got in line to get water.

"How's the first hole going?" Zig zag asked her, as he stood behind her in line. She turned around and looked at him. He was all sweaty and his hair was sticking up in all different places, which seemed normal for him at this point.

"Fine, I guess." She answered, shrugging her shoulders. "Hands are starting to blister a bit." She said, holding her hands out to show him her sore skin.

"That'll happen." He told her. He showed her his hands, they were full of blisters and calluses. "Once the calluses heal, it'll be Easier to dig the hole." He advised her.

"Thanks.." she told him. This was the first time where she saw him not have a deranged look in his eyes as he spoke. She turned away to get more water for her water canteen. Once it was fully Filled she headed back to her hole.

It was almost dark by the time her hole was finished. She climbed out and made her way back to the main camp. Her hands were covered in blisters and her shovel had blood on it. She had finished the last of her water so she couldn't wait to get to the mess hall and drink something.

She grabbed her food and made her way over to the d tent boys. "Evening gentleman." She said as she sat down with her try of prison food. "I'm guessing none of you have Neosporin on you do you?" She assumed, holding up her sweaty, bloody hand.

" we look like the damn nurses office?" Armpit quipped at her. She knew she would get that reaction.

"Okay fine guess I'll just lick my wounds, like a Farrell cat.." she snapped back at him, Earning her a chuckle from squid. Who was sat beside her. 'At least someone thinks I'm funny' she thought. "One hole down, 607 to go.." she said.

The boys looked up from there meals, giving her odd stares. "How do you know that?" Barfbag asked as her.

"Well, I'm here for 20 months, that's apparently 608 days. One hole a day, There for 608 holes. Well, 607 now.." she explained.

"I didn't know we had a wizard at camp.." zigzag snickered, causing all the boys to laugh.

Jo rolled her eyes. "It's not wizardry, just simple math.." she told them, looking down at her meal. She really didn't want these boys thinking she was some sort of nerd. "Besides my math could be like, totally wrong, I didn't even double check it.." she said, trying to dumb herself down. God she was really gonna have to get a grip.

Later that night all the boys went to the rec room to play pool and watch tv on the old staticky tv that barley got a signal. She decided she would sit alone in d tent and read. She pulled out her copy of Frankenstein by Mary Shelly. It was her favorite book and she had read it probably a million times. Opening the book to the front, she saw the name Micheal dalton written on the inside.

The book had been given to her by her brother, she missed him a lot. She wished he was here with her to make camp more bearable. She traced over the ink with her fingertips, hoping that her brother would somehow forgive her for all the trouble that she had gotten into.

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