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"Hey look! A cloud!" Squid shouted out, pointing to a small cloud that was in the sky.

Shark stopped her digging and looked up. She saw maybe the smallest cloud she had ever seen.

"Maybe it'll move in front of the sun." Zigzag hoped.

"Come on little cloud, you can do it." Magnet pleaded to the sky.

"Please, all I'm asking for is just a little shade." Armpit said.

Today was a particularly hot day out at camp green lake, so hot shark had rolled up her tank top so that it was more like a sports bra. She was glad that d tent was digging in there own little section. Otherwise she would not be comfortable being so exposed.

"Warden owns the shade man." Stanley said, taking a large Rock out of his hole.

"Maybe we'll get lucky, and we'll get some clouds and it'll rain for 40 days and 40 nights." Zigzag said hopefully.

"You have a better chance of being struck my lighting." Shark said.

"Yeah but at least it might be raining.." he said.

She just smiled to her self and shook her head. She went back to digging her hole.

Ever Since her and zigzag had there little talk, things had been going okay, well, as okay as things can be at camp green lake.

"Hey, what do you got there caveman?" Magnet asked, stopping his digging and hopping out of his hole.

Everyone turned there heads and looked at Stanley. He held up what he had found.

"Hey X, think I might have found something." He said.

The rest of the boys, and shark, stopped there digging and went over to caveman's hole to see what he had discovered.

X ray took what looked to be a bullet and held it up, examining it. "Looks like a old shotgun shell." He said.

"No man it's to skinny to be a shotgun shell." Squid said, taking it out of x rays hand and looking at it.

Stanley took it back and looked at it once more. "See that little heart? The letters In it right there?" He showed x ray. "K.B"

Zigzag reached his hand out. "Let me see." He said. "That's Keith berenger."

"Man who's that?" Armpit asleep

"He was in my math class."

Shark rolled her eyes. "Yeah he must have just left it here." She said sarcastically.

"Well, I'm gonna go show it to mom, maybe I'll get the rest of the day off." X ray said as he started to walk away.

"Rest of the day off?" Stanley said, hoping out of his hole. "No, no man your holes already dug. I mean I'm not even close I'm gonna be out here all day."

"Yeah so?" X ray asked.

Shark really didn't like what she was seeing. On one hand, she agreed that x ray deserved a day off, Heck they all did, but he had been here the longest out of all of them. But on the other hand, Stanley had found whatever that was fair and square.

It seemed like Stanley was gonna step up for him self, but he backed out the last second. "So, uh, why don't you just turn it in tomorrow? You know, give it to mom in the morning? Then you get the whole day off." He said.

"That's good thinking caveman." X ray nodded. "I like it." He gave his shoulder a little nudge before walking off.

"Pretty smart caveman." Squid told him, taping his hat.

Once all the boys walked off, shark spoke to Stanley. "If it makes you feel any better, moms probably not gonna give him the day off for some stupid bullet." She told him, then walked off to finish the rest of her hole.


The next day that d tent was digging, z ray waited till his hole was about a quarter of the way done before he decided to give it to mom.

When x ray had given it to mom, he seemed excited, like he had found something important. How would care about a little metal tube that much.

And just like that, the warden was over to look what 'x ray' had found. Shark had only seen the warden a couple times. Sometimes when she was outside her cabin or laying on her hammock that no one but her was allowed to use.

When she saw the tube of whatever that was, she seemed thrilled.

"Take x ray here back to camp. Give double shower tokens, and a snack."


"How come she knows my name?" Stanley asked as the group walked back from digging. The warden had made them dig together in one hole, the hole that happened to be x rays.

"Oh she'd got the whole place wired." Zigzag said, throwing his and sharks shovel into the shovel pile. "She's got these little, tiny microphones and cameras all over the place. She's got them in the rec room, she's got em in the tent, she's got em in the showers." Zigzag said.

"They're not in the showers." Stanley said, not buying what zigzag was telling him.

"Man don't listen to him. I read his file. It says he suffers from, um, acute paranoia." Squid said.

"Pfft, there's no way you read anyone's file." Shark doubted.

"Yeah? Wanna bet miss Josephine Anastasia dalton?" He smirked. All the other boys laughed at the reveal of sharks full name.

Sharks jaw dropped. "You read my file? That's like totally invasive!" She said, slapping his shoulder.

"Anastasia? What are you like a princess?" Magnet laughed.

"For the record it's my great grandmas name." She told them. "And I didn't exactly plan on telling anyone.." she said, shooting a glare at squid.

"I kinda like it." Zigzag spoke.

"Of course you would man."

Omg I've officially updated consistently everyday this week!

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