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During dinner time, Jo was picking at her green beans. It was the most edible thing on the menu so she always ate them first. She sat on the end of the table, right next to zigzag, with squid across from her.

"Hey, Stanley, come here, boy." X ray called out to Stanley who looked lost as to where to sit. It reminded her of her first day at camp and How anxious she was. Stanley made his way over to the table where d tent sat.

She looked at x ray. "X don't call him over like he's a dog." She said, earning her a chuckle from some of the other boys.

"This is where you sit. Sit down." X ray told him. As Stanley sat down, jo scooted over a bit to give him more room to sit. She must have scooted a bit to far because she slipped off the bench a little. As she was sliding down, zigzag was quick to grab on to her waist and pull her back up.

"Carful shark." He laughed at her. His hands lingered on the smalls of her back for a little longer, even after she was settled back in her seat.

"Thanks for catching me zig." She smiled at him.

"Hey, yo, new kid. See, you didn't dig today. So, uh, you wouldn't mind giving up your bread to somebody who did, now, would you?" X ray said, snatching the break from Stanley's try. Jo rolled her eyes slightly at this. She wanted to protest, but she knew that the guys being hard on the new kid was just a natural thing that would happen.

Stanley quietly agreed. "No, you can have it."

"So what'd they get you for?" Squid asked Stanley.

"Stealing a pair of shoes." He answered, looked down. This caused then all to erupt in laughter.

"From the store? or we're they still on someone's feet?" Squid laughed, taking a drink from his cup.

"No, no, he just killed the dude first. You just left out that little detail right?" Zigzag jumped in. This caused zigzag to nudge him.

"Wow, can't believe they send murderers to camp green lake now. " She said to him, playing along with zigzag.

"They were Clyde Livingston shoes." He confessed.

"Man you did not steal no Clyde Livingston sweetfeet shoes." X ray said, the entire table was doubting his story.

"His World Series cleats." He continued.

"Hold on, hold on," magnet chimed in. "He's like, the fasted guy in the majors, right?"

"Clyde Livingston donated his shoes to this, uh, this homeless shelter..." Stanley was about to tell the story, but zero interrupted him.

"Did they have red X's on em?"

The whole table dropped there utensils and looked at zero in shock.

"You got zero to talk.." squid said, confused as zero never spoke, not even to mom.

"Hey yo, what else can you do zero?" Armpit asked zero, but he only looked at Stanley.

"Yeah, they did." Stanley answered him. Zero just looked at him for a second, then looked back down at his meal. Not saying another word for the rest of the night.


The night was coming to a close for the campers. Jo was brushing her freshly washed hair well sitting on her cot talking to squid.

"I never realized how jaggedly I cut your hair til now." He told her, seeing how un even it was.

Shark shrugged. "Well, too late now." She told him. If she were in this situation three months ago, she would have flipped and ripped his head off. But camp had made her care less about her appearance, how she presented herself. Like she had let herself go.

She finished combing her hair and sat cross cross on her cot.

"You and zigzag are almost twins now, with your hair sticking out." He told her.

She scoffed and threw her pillow at him, hitting him in the face with it. "We do not!" She laughed.

He threw her pillow right back in her face, causing her to laugh more. The more time she spent at camp green lake, the closer she grew with squid. The two were almost like siblings. She was happy to have a relationship like that here.

"We should probably get to bed." She told em. he nodded in agreement.

"Alright, see you in the morning." He told her, getting comfy in his cot.

"Night squid." She said, putting her pillow back under her head, closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep.

Hey guys! Thank you for over 1,000 reads on this story! Please feel free to comment and let me know how your liking the story. If anyone has any ideas for it please feel free to message me! Luv ya!!

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