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"All I'm saying is, I should get my own bathroom." Shark argued as her, magnet and zigzag headed back to the main camp with there shovels.

"Oh why? Just cause your a girl?" Magnet said.

"Exactly.." she told him, dragging her shovel behind her, her arms to tired to fully hold it.

"Lemme take that for you." Zigzag said, taking her shovel, carrying it along with his.

"How sweet, you gonna carry my shovel for me?" Magnet chimed in.

"Sorry magnet. Two shovel maximum." He told him, shrugging.

"Glad I got the last spot on the shovel express." Shark giggled ruffling zigzags hair a bit before speaking again. "Did you guys see the bus that drove into camp as we were digging?" She asked them.

"Yeah, either someone's coming it or someone's coming out." Magnet said.

"No one from our tent is scheduled to leave right?" She asked them, they shook there heads.

"Not that I know of, and it's not like anyone here's getting out for good behavior." Zigzag shook his head.

The group of three headed back to there tent to clean up and have some down time. When they had gotten to the tent, they were greeted by the other boys in the tent, and a new one. He looked scared out of his mind.

Jo stared at him for a moment. Guess this was barfbags replacement. She didn't even bother asking mom what happened to him, she didn't even wanna know at this point.

Magnet took the lead on introducing them. "I'm magnet. And this is zigzag and shark." He said, pointing to them as he said there respective nicknames.

Jo gave the nervous boy a small wave before heading to her bed. She noticed that squids shirt was on it. "How many times have I told you squid stop leaving your stuff here!" She exclaimed, shoving the shirt at him. Squid just playfully scoffed at her before taking it back to his side.

"You tell him about the lizards yet?" Ricky asked mom, his eyes shifting all crazy like they always did.

"Ricky let's not scare him." Mom reminded zigzag.

"Oh come on he's gotta learn sometime right?" Jo added on, earning her a disapproving glance from mom. She quickly went back to her cot to avoid any further interaction, as he went on about how it should be no labor to be nice to your neighbor.


Before dinner time, Jo and zigzag were sat outside on the staircase of the rec room together. Jo had been writing a letter to her mom, but zig had distracted her from finishing it.

"Can I doodle on your hand?" She asked him.

"Yeah but don't draw anything weird.." he told her.

"Aww but weird would suit you..." she pouted at him, then took her ball point pen and started to draw little stars and flowers on his hand.

Zigzag couldn't help but smile as she did this. Not only did the pen tickle his hand, but feeling her soft hands on him made him feel warm almost.

Jo continued to giggle and doodle Until zigzag decided he needed to shower before dinner.

Jo frowned. "Then my masterpiece is gonna wash away.." she said, tracing her hands on the newly drawn doodles.

"Don't worry, once I'm clean you'll have a fresh canvas." He told her, ruffling her hair and walking over to the showers.

Jo smiled at him as he walked away, before going back to her letter. But unbeknownst to her, the new kid, Stanley, had been looking at her.

Since he saw her, he wondered why she was the only girl there. He took notice of her jaggedly cut hair and bandaged on her face.

His staring must have caught the attention of armpit, because his train of thought was interrupted by him. "Don't even think about it new kid." He told Stanley.

Stanley looked at him confused. "Oh no, I wasn't thinking anything I just-" but armpit cut him off.

"Listen, I know she's cute, but that's zigs girl." He said informed the new kid.

Stanley just nodded, to Afraid to say anything else, in fear that armpit would shove him to the ground again.

Hey guys! Sorry for not updating in awhile but I'm back! Also, I made a picrew of jo!

Hey guys! Sorry for not updating in awhile but I'm back! Also, I made a picrew of jo!

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Wasted potential ★ holes [zigzag x oc]Where stories live. Discover now